View Full Version : my lovebird forgot the most basic thing.??

12-10-2011, 12:41 PM
susu forgot how to give kisses. she used to want to do them all the time. and when id ask for one she would walk across the living room just to give me one. but after leaving her at my grandmas for a week and even though i would go over everyday and give her kisses. one day, she forgot. it gets to me because when i say "give me kiss" her body will freeze and then her head jerks up then down. and she dosnt always face me when she does it. i miss her kisses! :very_sad: anyone know why she does this?

12-10-2011, 12:48 PM
I'm not so sure if she forgot, or just doesn't feel like doing it anymore. You might have to give her some more time to get back into the routine of giving kisses. My bird used to give kisses all the time, and then just kinda stopped and moved on to doing something else, like preening my finger. Now he does kisses again, but only to my dad and not me. Just think of them like a toddler, they go through phases of liking to do stuff all the time, and then lose interest for a while.

12-10-2011, 01:26 PM
I don't think she forgot at all. She's just being a little brat ;)
My Dreki gives kisses like crazy but sometimes she doesn't for days, some days she can't give enough kisses.
She also miraculously forgot how to step up! ...but just for me, not my bf ;)

12-10-2011, 06:19 PM
its been a while now.. about 3-4 months. im rllly sad about it. do you guys think shell learn it again?

12-10-2011, 07:20 PM
Definitely! Just remember, birds are like humans, they have to be in the mood to do anything lol I can't get my lovebird to say pretty bird for the life of me, but he'll say it while in his happy hut all on his own. However when I say come here, he'll say it right back to me.

12-10-2011, 09:47 PM
uhh if only susu would talk. :( hopefully when i get her a mate shell perk up a little, weve been a little busy and i think she could use one. plus another lovie never hurts :whistle:

12-11-2011, 05:30 AM
uhh if only susu would talk. :( hopefully when i get her a mate shell perk up a little, weve been a little busy and i think she could use one. plus another lovie never hurts :whistle:

Another lovie can hurt your ears!

12-18-2011, 10:56 PM
TRSUT ME when i say my family is deaf. we have had up to 4 birds in are house and one time, and we developed this thing were we dont even hear them anymore. we just drown them out in the background. lol its weird its like if we want complete silence and the birds are screaming at the top of their lungs we dont hear them.:rotfl