View Full Version : Help. My bird escaped.

10-05-2005, 07:54 AM
Help.. My lovie called Hal escaped.. I was hand feeding them after I was done I was watching a little TV. When I came back Hal was gone! I'm so sad :cry: I cried when I saw it gone. I went scouting the whole area for an hour a two looking for Hal. Someone please help me. Is there anything I can do?

10-05-2005, 09:32 AM
Are you sure they got outside? Could they be hiding somewhere in the house? Did you put them back in the cage after feeding them? We need more information.

10-05-2005, 11:37 AM
My bird crawled into the couch on day. It took me three hours to find her. I ripped my whole house apart. You may still find your birdie.

If you are sure he is out of the house, call the SPCA, regional vet clinics, and the local newspapers. Most papers provide a free service to announce the loss of pets.

A handfed bird usually has the presence of mind to go to the nearest human if it needs food, but if it is pre-weaned, it's chance of survival are small.

10-05-2005, 12:02 PM
It would be helpful if you went a little more in-depth about what happened. I agree with others in the lovie may still be in the house. When we first got our lovie Won Ton, we lost him in the house and it took us like five hours to find him. He had crawled into a plant and was hunkered down for the night and we just didn't see him. After hours of searching, we gave up for the night and were watching t.v. and my husband looked over at the plant, which we looked through more than once, and saw him in the middle of it.....If your lovie got outside the best thing to do if you have other lovies is to put them in a secure cage and take them outside where the lost bird can find them. The other lovie will be attracted by the other lovies' calls and come to the cage if he is near. The lost lovie, no matter how tame, will likely be difficult to get a hold of because he/she is in fight or flight mode. Once you spot the lovie close, let it land on the cages for awhile and if you can't catch him then move the cage indoors (leave by door) and leave the door open to the house so lost lovie will fly in. This takes patience but works. I've gotten back three lovies on two separate occasions this way.

If he/she is lost in your community, I would put up signs and knock on doors. Also think about an ad in the newspaper and calling the local humane society. Also check newspapers for lost and found as many who finds birds will post in the newspaper.

Good Lcuk and please keep us updated.

10-05-2005, 07:56 PM
My lovebird ate a small hole through my drop ceiling and was up there for a while. I heard her feet patter and then found her. They love small dark places to explore search these spots in the room/house you last saw her.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-05-2005, 08:06 PM
Mine disappeared one day - I was only gone for about a minute. Of course she wouldn't answer my contact calls to her. I found her perched on the cable behind the television set.

Keep looking, if your bird was very young, I doubt he could have gotten too far.

10-05-2005, 08:58 PM
Well.. I was hand feeding them by putting food thru the cage outside. When they are done eating I went a way for a mintune a two. When I came back the cage was open and Hal was gone. Louis was still in the cage thought. When I was in the toilet last night. I heard a sound exactly like Hal. But I can't find where he is.

10-06-2005, 04:39 AM
I hope you find him soon. Just be very cautious when you or others move in house.


10-06-2005, 09:06 PM
Outside of your home? You heard him in the walls?
Did he get in a vent from outside? Look everywhere possoble. Walls,ceiling etc