View Full Version : Scare with Keya....

01-07-2012, 09:47 PM
The following "copy/paste" is from my boss' Facebook page (his name is Paul)

Had a scare with Keya (Parrot) today, he broke a blood feather and was bleeding pretty bad. Thanks to Kim she was able to get the bleeding stopped and we rushed him the vet. He is back to normal now, he ripped the side off my beer case :)
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Paul Boos: Sean, when a new feather is growing in it contains blood, when the feather reaches full growth the blood supply is cut off. A bird can loose it's blood supply in as little as one hour and die hence why we were worried. LOL Kim Rudman-Coy
Yesterday at 6:42pm · Like

Sean Doherty I'd be worried too Paul, I love Keya. Thanks for the info on the feathers.
Yesterday at 6:44pm · Like

Paul Boos Even though I was worried I found it fascinating. All the Vet did is pulled the remaining piece of feather out so it could clot. There is a valve where the feather meets the body which can cause them to bleed out.
Yesterday at 6:53pm · Like

Kim Mossop Niwranski Wow, I didn't know that could happen to a bird...good thing Keya wasn't home alone all day, glad he's OK now.

Had a scare, for sure, but Keya is just fine :)