View Full Version : Checking in ...

Buy A Paper Doll
01-07-2012, 10:20 PM
I'm still here. :)

I just got married and I moved all four of the pets (Maggie May, Mia, Milo, and the Lilybird) into the townhouse with my new husband. Let me tell you, breaking down a 50 pound King's cage with 2 little bitty lovebirds who refuse to give it up is quite an adventure!

Milo did OK with the move at first, but yesterday I had to give him and the Lilybird wing clips. The townhouse has a big, big window, and I was concerned that the birds might fly into it. So snip-snip, wings were clipped. Unfortunately, Milo retaliated by plucking out as many feathers as he could reach. So I once again have a bird with big bald spots. I'm keeping an eye on him. If the picking gets worse, I will give his vet a call.

Otherwise everybody's doing fine. Lily is perfectly happy in her new home. Milo snuggles up to her for warmth now that he's bald (silly bird). Maggie May (the old fat dog) and Mia (the ragdoll) are getting more exercise due to the townhouse having stairs.

01-08-2012, 04:37 PM
Howdy stranger!

01-08-2012, 04:41 PM
Hi there...long time, no see!:)

01-08-2012, 05:11 PM
Gosh...I miss stairs....:( .. Especially when my two lovies had to make 90 degree turns to navigate them. ... Congrats on your new marriage Jennifer! .. It certainly is nice to hear from you again! .............:)

Buy A Paper Doll
01-08-2012, 09:04 PM
Gosh...I miss stairs....:(

I will happily trade you. :) Even the cat sounds like a herd of buffalo trampling up and down the stairs.

Hopefully by the time the birds' flight feathers grow in, they will be more familiar with the layout of the new house, and I won't have to clip again for a while.

01-09-2012, 12:43 AM
Congrats on the marraige. I hope everyone settles in nicely. Hopefully Milo stops plucking himself soon. Glad to see you are doing well.

Pips mom
01-09-2012, 12:05 PM
At least you're in florida and not somewhere cold, so Milo won't get cold. Congrats on your marriage! I have stairs here too, I like having stairs, it's a little more excersize you get in each day. Glad to hear you all are doing well! :)

01-09-2012, 05:27 PM
Welcome back and congrats! Glad all are well!

Speaking of stairs, Eddie and Jimmy had to share this:
