View Full Version : Introducing new birds?

10-05-2005, 06:54 PM
Please guide my steps as to how to introduce a new bird pal to a free flying ruler of the house. We just tested the DNA and found Allee is a male. We want to find and test another bird for him to bond to. I have read about the process and don't feel confident that I understand if he is to be socialized and handled as if he were coming to a new home to bond with me or if he is alright with minimal handling and just getting the two to get to know one another. Allee is jealous and demanding of attention. What do I do if they don't get along? How do I separate them in the event of a real fight? I hope I am up to this. We are away for 12 hours a day and this seems to be the kindest thing to do given the circumstances. I have read all that I could and still feel very frightened. Do we just buy a male and hope for the best? Is there anyone with experience that can suggest the way to go?
Thank you for letting me express my fears.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-05-2005, 07:56 PM
Like you, I started with one bird and added a second when I realized I wasn't going to be home with him as much as I wanted.

I tend to err on the side of caution; it took me weeks and weeks to get to a place where I felt comfortable leaving my pair in the same cage unsupervised.

That being said, here's how I introduced my pair. First, I quarantined my new bird by keeping her in another room for 2 months, until we (the vet and me) were sure that she was healthy. During this time, she could hear Milo (my existing bird) and he could hear her. I think that the quarantine period helped Milo come to terms with the fact that there was another bird in the house. Also, during quarantine, I was able to spend time one on one with my new bird and have socializing sessions with her.

After quarantine was over, I moved Melody's cage into the same room with Milo. I let them have a few minutes of out-of-cage time together every day, gradually increasing that time until I was confident that they were going to get along pretty well. There were a few territory issues when I tried to put both birds in one cage. I solved that with a large cage that was new to both birds, and put them both in at the same time so that neither one could claim it as their own.

Like I said, I took a long time to introduce my birds - probably longer than most would. At one point I was prepared to accept the possibility that they may NEVER be able to share a cage. But they are inseparable now... and both birds are very tame and friendly. :)

10-06-2005, 08:05 AM
I have nothing to add to Jennifer's reply cause she's covered quarantine and the "no guarantees" when trying to pair bird. I think adding a buddy is a good idea since you're lovie is alone so much of the day and hopefully, he and the new bird would eventually form a bond. :)

10-06-2005, 11:35 AM
Mayou: If I'm not mistaken you have an older lovie, which IMHO, makes it a little more difficult to introduce a new bird especially if he's lived alone his whole six years. If you do decide to introduce a new bird I would try and find an older bird and introduce them slowly as Jennifer suggested. I would also expect the worse case scenario that way if the birds don't end up getting along you are prepared with separate cages and attention.

Good luck and please update us :D

Buy A Paper Doll
10-06-2005, 11:54 AM
I forgot to add, I think with adding another bird, it's worth the risk of them not getting along. Because even if they can't share a cage 100% of the time, your lovie would still have one of his own kind to talk to during the day and also someone to play with during out of cage time.

10-06-2005, 03:22 PM
OK, after reading Laura's reply, I do have something to add. My older lovie is very sweet and was also in the position as being the one and only birdie in this house. He does NOT like the new boys, at all. Even if I'd only gotten one, there is no doubt in my mind that they would never have formed a bond. Oliver is around ten and they are just over four months and that is way too drastic an age difference. He doesn't like it when they are on me so I have to cage him or he has to go to another family member so that I can have some contact with Big Boi and Shy. I'm certainly not trying to tame them to be like him and am happy that they love each other first but do want to keep them tame enough to touch, pick up when necessary and to play with a little. I really thought that Oliver was the type bird that would accept a new bird or two and I was wrong. If I have all three out (and I realize that three is never a good number) I have to watch them like a hawk to be sure that one doesn't get hurt. Shy is aggressive towards Oliver and Oliver is aggressive towards Big Boi.

Anyway, I like Laura's idea of finding a lovie close in age to Allee and maybe they can be good friends and as Jennifer said, they could still be company for each other even if they can't be caged together. Good luck in what ever you decide. :)