View Full Version : A breakthrough with our new baby lovebird

Willow and Oscar
01-22-2012, 06:52 PM
Well we've only had Sky for 2 weeks so have not been expecting much from her, interaction-wise. She's settled in great though and has put on weight, enjoys her toys and coming out to fly. She usually flies over to us for a little while and stays at a distance, but mainly spent her time on the curtain rails etc, we are happy to go at her own pace.

Well today I was lying down so I don't know if this made a difference (maybe less intimidating than being sat up?) and she flew straight to me from her cage, and just sat right on my chest looking at me for ages. She was even dozing there for a while. She then came onto my shoulder and preened my hair, blinking at me the whole time. I was just so happy :) I'd been having a bad day and her choosing to come to me and be so confident was amazing. So strange how they suddenly go from not seeming bothered by you to coming up that close and snuggling in...she's such a sweetie, so glad I chose lovebirds :blush:

01-23-2012, 10:22 AM
Amazing! .. Hopefully she doesn't let you get away. .......:)

01-23-2012, 04:54 PM
I can tell you for sure my birds pick up on my mood! when i am sad they give me extra attention and seem to be more docile. when i am happy they seem to know they can get away with murder lol