View Full Version : Havent been here in ages...LONG :(

01-27-2012, 07:48 AM
Hey all,
I havent been here in ages...sorry! But I now have a problem and am hoping you all can help me. We have a little 3 year old lovie named Jitterbug, who is technically my 9 year old son Ben's pet. For the first two years or so, they were inseparable..doing everything together. They had a great relationship and bonded so tightly, it was amazing. However, over this past year, things have really changed. Jitterbug has become so hormonal, that it is very difficult for Ben to hold and play with him. Jitterbug bites, nips, and is constantly trying to hump or regurgitate on anything and everything! Ben's fingers, Ben's toes, Ben's stuffed animals, blankets on the bed, etc. Its horrible...and constant. And when Ben tries to stop him, Jitterbug bites. Ben is very discouraged, and has been avoiding handling Jitterbug, because he is tired of getting bitten. I hate that Jitter is always trying to "mate" with Ben or Ben's things, so I am not encouraging him to handle him that much either. Its just, quite frankly, gross. :( Jitterbug also used to be very good with our two keets, and played with them when he couldnt be with Ben. We called them the three musketeers because they were all such good little birdie buddies. But now, Jitterbug is not nice to the keets and chases them away from the food, knocks them off perches, etc. So, he can no longer interact with them either. Poor Jitterbug is spending more and more time alone in his cage, and this is not good. He is very unhappy, and I just dont know what to do. Sorry this is so long, but, does anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation? I want Jitterbug to be happy, but I just dont feel we can meet his need for the kind of attention he wants, 24/7. Should he have a real mate...another lovie? What should we do??? Thanks....

01-27-2012, 08:00 AM
Hi Judi,
This is very common with many pet parrots and you are lucky that Jitterbug is small. A larger beak can do a LOT more damage! I understand/feel your pain!

Have you checked with your avian vet? I know there are horomone shots for hens and I believe there may be something for males. There is nothing that you or Ben have done wrong. It's just a natural thing with Jitterbug and finding a way to help him control it is probably the answer. I know Momo has been going through something similar but the lovebird is a hen. Maya has Mika who is a male who also has a hormone problem. Hopefully, one of those 2 will chime in here. :)

01-27-2012, 08:10 AM
Thank you Linda. Glad to know this is not unusual, and that we havent done this to him somehow, by making some mistake along the way. I feel so badly for Ben...he says "I miss the old Jitterbug". They were just such great buddies. But, Ben, bless his heart, also says "But I DONT want to send him back!". So cute. He's frustrated, and disappointed, but he still loves Jitterbug and doesnt want to part with him. We just need to find a way to help Jitterbug, so he can be happy despite all these raging hormones. Its just too sad to see him sitting in his cage all day long, because taking him out results in too many problems. :(

Pips mom
01-29-2012, 10:49 AM
Hey Judi.......welcome back.....I've actually been wondering where you been! Sorry about Jitterbug :( Are you sure Jitterbug is a boy? Pip is four now and I've never seen any behaviour like this from him.......he's always the same pretty much, he humps Ivy's swing alot, but that's normal for him and he's actually calmed down alot and his feathers are looking great, he used to hump so much that he'd have bare little spots of missing feathers and he was always so rough and tough and his feathers would be a mess sometimes. Pip's biting has calmed down alot too......still pretty nippy, but Pip has never really bitten too hard and has never broken skin, and he never bites my face anymore. Gee, I hope this is only a phase and Jitterbug gets through it soon! I know right now Ivy has been very hormonal, but at least with her I don't have to worry about biting.

01-29-2012, 11:42 AM
Yep! My guys are in hormone overload, too. Peanut is 4, and very bonded to me. I tried getting him a buddy, but it didn't work out. I'm his mate and that's all there is to it. He humps everything he can, stuffed animals, blankets, my toes :omg: and even tries the real animals! He has 2 females that would gladly help him out, but he's like... :confused: what ARE you doing??? And flies away.

In my novice opinion, you have 2 options: Take away anything he can hump with, redo his cage with lots of busy stuff, and absolutely no cuddling with him.

Or, you can explain to Ben that Jitterbug is doing what comes naturally to him and eventually he will calm down...but to be patient in the meantime. It's hard to do, I know cause lovies can bite hard, but it is yet another phase we get to put up with. They don't understand why the living being they have choosen as their mate, won't climb in their cage and live happily ever after with them.

That's one of the reasons why I don't agree with children having pet birds. They don't understand the hormonal times. Heck! Even I don't get it half the time!!

01-29-2012, 07:06 PM
Thank you for the replies. Yes, Jitterbug is a dna'd boy. He is three years and 7 months old. He has been like this for a long time...several months. How long does this stage last? If we know it is a stage, it will be easier to deal with, than if we thought it was a permanent change (which I did think...maybe Im wrong?) I feel so bad for Ben. He keeps saying how much he misses the "old" Jitterbug. :( I hope we get our old little friend back someday....:(

01-29-2012, 08:33 PM
Well i have 1 confirmed female and 1 suspected female (they dont get along for too long, they fight all the time) both are lovies. I took out all toys that they can hump or get them hormonal. Also Baylee lately i had taken her out very often anf she bonded with me LOL to the point i got to stay next to her cage for 1 hour until she calms down and goes to eat otherwise she goes nuts if i leave BEFORE she goes to eat XD and when she is in my shoulder she likes to preen my hair, "protect" me from my female friends LOL but if she see my best guyfriend she jumps on him XD and dont let NO ONE not even me to touch her. To get her back i have to chase her around his back LOL until i get her, poor guy is afraid of birds XD but she loves him. Although last time she saw him while she was on my shoulder she was a biting machine everytime any of my friends tried to hug me LOL.

01-29-2012, 09:13 PM
Thank you for the replies. Yes, Jitterbug is a dna'd boy. He is three years and 7 months old. He has been like this for a long time...several months. How long does this stage last? If we know it is a stage, it will be easier to deal with, than if we thought it was a permanent change (which I did think...maybe Im wrong?)......

Hi Judi and Ben. .. Unfortunately, hormonal stages can last several years, and may occur at anytime. .. As Jally mentioned, you's may want to try removing anything that might prompt Jitterbugs breeding behavior. .. Other things you might consider, are temporarally relocating his cage, limiting his intake of millet (or treats), and if you can, shorten his daylight hours/activities. .. You may also want to pay attention to where Ben and Jitterbug generally spend their time together, and if its always the same area, change it. .. While hormone therapy is an good option, it won't hurt to see if something more menial might just do the trick. ...... Please keep us posted.........:)

01-30-2012, 07:20 AM
Thanks again for the ideas. I will try those things you mentioned, Michael. We do have him covered for sleep for about 10-11 hours a night. Is that enough, or does he need an even longer night? He is in a fairly small cage, because he used to be out ALL the time. His cage is 24x16x16. It has a few toys in it, but nothing that he can "hump"...still, the SECOND he gets out of his cage, he runs to Ben's stuffed animals on his bed (his cage is in Ben's room) and goes nuts on them! Bleck! Ben takes him in the shower, which goes well...both love that. But otherwise, time together is difficult and full of biting and frustration and hormonal behavior. So sad. Thanks for the insights...we will keep trying. I just wonder...should we get him a (male) buddy and a larger cage, and see if that would help? Or would that just be asking for more trouble? He just seems SO needy....so desperate for constant companionship, but he cant get it from people...he's too bitey, and hormonal. Would another bird be the best way to satisfy his needs? Ugh...

01-30-2012, 08:06 AM
Hi Judi,
With hormonal hens, you want to limit daylight to roughly 8-9 hrs/day so I would have to say that Jitterbug's nights need to get longer. You can try getting him a male companion but I might be tempted to look for an older one, say 5 or 6 yrs. old. Reason being, many males are past the hormonal stage by then. Of course, you may find they get along but both engage in the same behavior displayed by Jitterbug. It's a really hard call but if you want to go the companion route, male is the gender you want.

01-30-2012, 08:42 AM
Thank you Linda. Thats good to know that the hormonal stuff lessens at about age 5 or 6...is that what you are saying? Jitterbug will be 4 in June...so maybe we can just wait it out and hope he returns to his more handleable, enjoyable self in another year or so? The only reason for getting him a companion would be for HIS benefit, so he doesnt have to feel lonely if we are handling him less. But, not sure the risk is worth it...if they dont get along...and if he might "return" to us in a year or so..maybe another lovie isnt the answer, at least not yet. Just dont know..it is a tough one. Thanks for the input.

01-30-2012, 09:02 AM
The hormones will lessen as Jitterbug ages. However, each bird is different so the time frame is just a range. Could happen sooner or it could happen later. Additionally, each bird reacts differently when under the control of hormones. Peaches, my much older Pied Green male, loved to feed my fingers when hormones kicked in. I have an OF Green male who lives with a cage full of hens and the chosen object of his affections is my hand! Forget all those pretty ladies........ :confused:

01-30-2012, 09:15 AM
LOL...go figure!

01-30-2012, 11:04 AM
Hi and welcome back!

Eddie humps all my stuffed animals and fuzzy blankets when he comes out of the cage. I got him a male companion 3 years ago (as Ed is a male) and they get along most of the time fabulously. They feed and preen each other.... however, the cuddling that Ed used to let me do to him is no longer. I can kiss him and he steps up and will sleep on my finger and nuzzle my neck, but I can no longer rub his head. A trade off I was willing to make for him.

Just a suggestion... not sure if anyone else on here thinks that that may be a solution...

01-30-2012, 11:19 AM
Thank you Laura. That is exactly what Im wondering...if giving him a friend will help him to feel more satisfied and not be so frantic to be with us, and acting all hormonal with us, all the time. He no longer really lets us pet him now anyway, because he is so bitey, so that wouldnt be a loss for us, any more than it already is. We just want him to be happy, either with us, or with another bird. But it seems that with us just isnt working, so...
thanks for the insight. I appreciate it!

01-30-2012, 11:29 AM
I think it's going to come down to just figuring out what will make Jitterbug the happiest. What works for one may not work for another but you won't know unless you try. :) All of my lovies that want companions have them. Those that have been and want to continue to be friendly with me have that relationship. My OF Green Peachie is a perfect example of that!

Pips mom
01-30-2012, 06:37 PM
I knew with Pip that he's always longed for a feathered friend! Before Ivy, he wanted to be buddies with my tiels, but they wanted nothing to do with him.....he'd get frustrated and try to bite their feet through the cage bars......he also used to go all around the outside of their cage and knock anything off that he could......food dishes, cuttlebone, I ended up having to buy them lock on dishes and find secure ways to hook up the cuttlebone. I just had a feeling that when I brought Ivy home, that Pip would want to be her buddy.......that plus Ivy lived with other species of birds and got along with them pretty well. I sure was right! Pip seems very bonded to Ivy now......he doesn't like it when she's out of his sight, and he stands up all tall and flaps and yells at any humans that come nearby that scare Ivy.......it's cute as can be! Sometimes they just want that feathered buddy........in your case though, you said that Jitterbug got along ok with your budgies, and now does not.......I think that would worry me when it comes to getting another one. It's a shot in the dark when you bring in another bird........you just never know how it's going to go. You know Jitterbug though and if you get a gut feeling that this may be what he wants to be happy, it may be a chance worth taking. I can't imagine having problems like this with Pip.......he's such a happy, well adjusted little bird. He does have his love Ivy, maybe that's why? It's so hard to figure out these birds sometimes! If only they could just talk and tell us! For now I'd just try to explain it to Ben and that it's just a thing that birds go through sometimes. I wouldn't worry too much about another bird taking anything away from his relationship with his humans or Ben.......Pip loves Ivy, but still always comes looking for me!

01-30-2012, 06:56 PM
Thanks for that info Pip's mom. Yes, Jitterbug used to be so good with the budgies, but now, he bullies them. Especially little Fizz. Really pushes them around, and seems to try to drive them away from the food dish, etc. So I dont let him play with them anymore. But he just seems so desperate for a friend. Sigh....I DO think he would love to have another lovie to be his constant buddy, but, there just arent any guarantees that they will get along, and that is what worries me. I really DONT want another PET bird, just for me...but I realize that it could turn out that way if they didnt get along. Sigh....just dont know what to do....

01-30-2012, 08:34 PM
I'd give Jitterbug some time yet, afterall, when it comes to hormones, they may settle down from time to time due to seasonal changes. .. I also happen to keep one very hormonal male lovebird B.B.. ..After the vet took one look at his behavior, he quickly recommended a three month hormone shot. Quite honestly though, I didn't exactly like the looks of him toned down and plump. And this may sound odd, but he just didn't appear as healthy and happy as he was before the shot. .. Now, without the depo shots, he's all over the place like a lovebird should be. And yup, he often gets himself wrapped up in my shoe's. But only mine,...isn't that odd? ... Much like members who try to curtail their females from excessive breeding behavior, minus the paper, i've pretty much done the same with my wanton male. .. Give him too much millet (in seed mix or sprigs), and he'll soon feed everything in sight. Too many hours awake, and his search for a mate goes well beyond my shoes. Touch him in a way that stimulates (like petting his backside), and he's ready to challenge everyone and everything. . Geez..maybe I SHOULD give him a nestbox! ... Really, there are times he'll gradually become less liberal. Of course he's not exactly a young stud (11), but then, he ain't old either.

Have you's tried making Bens stuffed toys disappear while the bugs out? .. If he's feeding them, then he may be guarding them at a distance. ... just a thought. .......:)

01-31-2012, 03:56 AM
Thanks Michael. I do think Im going to wait this out for a while and not try to bring in another bird. We do throw the comforter over the stuffed animals when Jitterbug comes out now, and he does not see them and cant get to them. Doesnt curb the biting though. But gives him one less thing to "love on"....but, he always manages to find something else. Even a lump on Ben's shirt, or Ben's sock...LOL....nearly anything will do. Well, hopefully in time this will calm down. Interesting about the shot. Thanks for the insight. I'll keep you all posted on the Jitterbug saga. Thanks!

01-31-2012, 07:06 AM
I think Im going to get this cage for Jitterbug:


or this one:


They are huge, and if he needs to be spending more time in his cage, I can at least give him a huge cage. His currently is only 24x16x16 but that is because he was never in it...spent all his time out with us. But, being in more, he needs more room. And, if I eventually decide to add another lovie, one of these will be big enough for two birds. Thoughts? Anybody have either cage? And, Im assuming a larger cage wont cause any additional problems with hormones, but should rather help? Is that correct?

01-31-2012, 07:59 AM
Sounds like a workable plan, Judi

I don't have either cage but I think the first one might be better because it has 2 doors. It gives you easier access to all areas of the cage, where the second one only has 1 door so it might require some acrobatics to reach certain parts. I'm short so I don't have a long arm span and it's something I'm always aware of! :)

01-31-2012, 08:00 AM
Hi Judy, I just read the entire thread and what you are experiencing has happened to us one time! Like our Quigley your guy will settle down in time as everyone has said.

As to the cage, we use exclusivly the one like 5476 in your link. They are well made and a few stratigicly placed zip ties and you will have a solid one piece unit that can be taken out and pressure washed and will not come apart. We also liked the extra room in them. All of our birds are very happy with the "Flight Room" that they have and lots of toys to keep them entertained.

01-31-2012, 08:51 AM
Thank you Linda and Dave. I will think more about which cage would be best and then choose one. I think Jitterbug at least deserves a lot of room to play and live if he is going to be spending more time in his cage. He does still get out some...LOL....dont get me wrong, but he's not out ALL day long, like he used to be. He's just too much of a trouble maker now. LOL Thanks Dave for the encouragement. Im hoping you are right and someday we will have our sweet, handleable baby back, without all the hormonal stuff going along with it! :omg:

01-31-2012, 04:46 PM
Decided to get this one:


Nice looking, sturdy, AND two doors as Linda suggested. Yay! I let Ben choose the color since it will be in his room, and he chose BLUE! :omg: I bet that will be bright! But, how fun...hope Jitterbug loves it. Now, I need to order some more perches, and lots more toys...woo hoo! :rofl:

Thanks for the help everyone...

01-31-2012, 06:16 PM
Nice cage, Judi!
I'm sure Jitterbug will love the extra room and whatever new toys, etc. that you add to it. If you can find one, a toy/swing that everyone here absolutely adores is a half coconut swing. Mine play in it, rest in it and I even have 2 that sleep in it!

I really hope this works out well for everyone. You all love Jitterbug, even though his behavior leaves a bit to be desired right now.

01-31-2012, 06:47 PM
Thanks Linda...I'll look for that coconut swing...sounds cute!! I'll take pics of his new palace all set up, when it arrives. Exciting!

Pips mom
01-31-2012, 08:40 PM
What a loved and lucky lil birdie! I have this cage for my tiels and love it! I'm sure Jitterbug will love it as well! Lots of room for toys! What a great idea for him! My sister has the cage with just the one door similar to this and she has it in blue and in green.......one for each of her quakers, and the blue looks nice.....don't worry, it's not too bright!

01-31-2012, 08:42 PM
the blue looks nice.....don't worry, it's not too bright!

Whew...thanks for that assurance! LOL !

02-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Dang it...snag. Everyone seems to be out of the HQ cage in blue. SO, I can either 1. wait till April when they restock, :(, 2. order a different color (which Ben doesnt want to do) or 3. get the A & E cage in blue, and put up with just one door instead of two. How much of a pain would that one-door cage be? Anyone got an opinion on which way I should go? :confused:

02-01-2012, 12:35 PM
:( :( :( :(
Being short and not having a long arm span works against me more often than not. Being able to reach all areas of the cage is important to me, personally, depending on what I want to do. Hanging a toy from the top of the cage can be a challenge for me if my arm isn't long enough to reach from the inside of the door to the top of the cage........ My daughter, who is 5" taller than I am, doesn't have the same problem because she can reach further. I think this one is a personal choice but make sure you think it through so you can make the best decision.

Another thought. What color is Jitterbug's current cage? Some birds will go very easily into different colored cages but my Abbys are particularly color sensitive. With them, all my cages are white. Again, this depends on Jitterbug, as each bird is different but it's a consideration, as parrots do see in color.

02-01-2012, 12:42 PM
Thanks Linda. Im not real tall, but I think I will just go with the A & E cage. I can always use a step stool if I need to. Ben really wants blue, and I really dont want to wait till April. As for the cage color...good point....however, Jitterbug really is the adventurous type and I dont think he'll mind the blue...he is so easy going, curious, and fearless...I'd be surprised if he had a problem with it. But, I guess we'll see....
Thanks for giving me those things to think about. I hope Im making the right decision!

02-01-2012, 05:24 PM
Dang it...snag. Everyone seems to be out of the HQ cage in blue. SO, I can either 1. wait till April when they restock, :(, 2. order a different color (which Ben doesnt want to do) or 3. get the A & E cage in blue, and put up with just one door instead of two. How much of a pain would that one-door cage be? Anyone got an opinion on which way I should go? :confused:

Have you checked out Birdscomfort on Ebay? ..


02-01-2012, 05:27 PM
Oops. .. I see they may not have the blue. ... Sorry bout that. ....:(

02-01-2012, 06:39 PM
Yeah, they were out of stock. And, Amazon had the cages listed too, but they get them from Birdscomfort too, so that wasnt an option. Oh well....I went ahead and ordered the A&E Cage from Kathie at mysafebirdstore.com. Her price was great, and I love her customer service. So, hopefully I'll be happy with the cage, single door and all. :)

02-03-2012, 07:18 AM
I JUST ordered the cage on Wednesday, and it is ON THE TRUCK for delivery RIGHT NOW and will be here by the end of the day!! WOW!!!!!!!! Im so excited! Kathie, at Mysafebirdstore.com ROCKS! Woo hoo!! Jitterbug is going to be so surprised at his new mansion. :rotfl

02-03-2012, 07:34 AM
Oh my goodness!!!!! Talk about fast ship! I think this is some kind of record! Good products and great service....winning combination. :)

02-23-2012, 02:50 PM
Hi Judi! I just noticed this thread. I haven't been on here much, either. You and I should have been talking about this all along, since I have the same problem with Sunny! Jitterbug sounds worse, though. Sunny doesn't bite except when he is defending the corner of his cage that he has decided is his nest. And the only "object" he wants is a Kleenex of all things!:rotfl

He's still totally in love with Alex. Does a LOT of "clicky dances" for us all. I have been trying to get him more sleep, but it's hard.


02-23-2012, 03:09 PM
Oh, yeah, we should have been sharing in our misery together! LOL Jitterbug is AWFUL right now. He is SO needy, clingy, hormonal...bitey, regurgitating on everything, rubbing his little butt on everything...mean to all the other birds...awful! Just out of control. The only solution I have found so far, is just to keep him in his (now HUGE) cage for most of the time because whenever he's out, there's trouble. Poor Jitterbug, and poor Sunny. I sure do hope its a stage and that it will pass, eventually! :omg:

02-23-2012, 04:05 PM
I'm curious if you tried structuring his nights more so that he gets 12-13 hours? I'm still in the handfeeding stages, but I've been reading a lot about the hormonal stages of parrots, and that seems to really make a difference. Also, maybe until he gets better, the showers also give the wrong idea to a lot of parrots, probably especially lovebirds because they require humidity to nest anyway. I hadn't read this before, but now knowing the context of how Melon came to you guys, I imagine Jitterbug might be resentful of all the attention Melon is getting and threatened by Melon for spending so much time with his mate (Ben).

02-23-2012, 04:23 PM
I didnt know that about showers. He does get 12 hours of sleep a night, covered. Maybe I should limit the showers? He has been like this long before Melon arrived, and it isnt any worse since Melon has been here...just more of the same, so I dont know if that is it. I now have Melon in a separate room from Jitterbug anyway, because I dont want Jitterbug to be threatening him and scaring him with his aggressive behavior. :(

02-23-2012, 04:40 PM
lol, poor jitterbug. Just wait till Ben goes through HIS hormone phase :P
According to at least one article, quitting the showers can help. He can still have a bath, but not in any dimly lit places, especially accompanying Ben. That's quite possibly gives him the wrong idea about his relationship with Ben.
read sex and the psittacine (https://companionparrotonline.com/sex_csaky.html)

hmm... (http://en.allexperts.com/q/Parrots-1638/Male-Love-Bird-Hormones.htm) Maybe both of your lovies could use a vet visit. Perhaps there is a group discount?
this (http://www.parrotfeather.com/lovebird/Lovebird_biting2.php) might also help. Also, when you do your research, don't limit yourself to lovies. Most of the time, tips for larger or more popular parrots can be directly transferred over.

02-24-2012, 07:26 AM
OK Judi. Now how did you end up with Melon? Did you end up getting him as a companion for Jitterbug? You are getting quite a collection of birds.....:)

02-24-2012, 09:21 AM
OK Judi. Now how did you end up with Melon? Did you end up getting him as a companion for Jitterbug? You are getting quite a collection of birds.....:)

Yup and yup. :rofl:

02-24-2012, 09:34 AM
Yes, I saw him on CL, same age and gender as Jitterbug, needing a friend. So I thought, what the heck...maybe a friend is just what he needs. Well, so far, nope. Jitterbug hates him! LOL But, Melon is SO nice, that Im not sure I WANT him to become good friends with Jitterbug. I kind of like having him as a friend myself. LOL So, we'll see what happens, but for now, Im just enjoying him as a pet. He's very very sweet.
And, yes, this makes 7 birds....ahhhhh!!! What am I doing??? I've gone mad!!! :omg:

02-24-2012, 09:42 AM
At least you don't have to shrink every birdie recipe on the planet (typical breeders, some of those recipes serve ten or more!)

02-24-2012, 10:14 AM
I know exactly what you mean about wanting Melon to stay friends with you. At times I have felt so sorry for Sunny, and thought maybe it was mean not to get him another Lovebird. However, I just can't stand the thought of him not loving us anymore! Selfish of me, I'm sure.

02-24-2012, 10:17 AM
Not selfish at all. Every bird is different. Right now, Jitterbug is not much of a companion to us..but he is still super tame. Just so hormonal that holding him is...well...gross, because of what he does to our hands! LOL But, he is still very tame. Melon is tame, but timid, and very mellow. He doesnt seem to be hormonal at all, but that may come, in time, Im sure. Right now, he's just sweet, friendly, cuddly and adorable. Poor Jitterbug...I hope the sweet and adorable side of him comes back soon! :omg:

02-24-2012, 10:26 AM
Glad you found Melon. He sure found a good home with you!

02-24-2012, 10:41 AM
At times I have felt so sorry for Sunny, and thought maybe it was mean not to get him another Lovebird. However, I just can't stand the thought of him not loving us anymore! Selfish of me, I'm sure.
Just because a lovebird has a lovebird companion doesn't mean that you will get left out of the equation! Sunny's relationship with you has been dependent (and will always be dependent) on the amount of attention he gets from you. All of my lovebirds have companions if they want one and my personal pets remain just that, my personal pets. When I'm not there, they have each other. When I am, I still have a relationship with my guys/gals. I've got one absolutely adorable OF Green Peachie male who lives with 4 other lovebirds but when I'm around, he paces until I take him out!

02-24-2012, 10:47 AM
Thats so cute Linda.
And, there is NO guarantee (as I am finding) that getting a friend for your lovie will work...they may hate each other...LOL. Jitterbug is definitely NOT impressed with his new "friend" Melon...oh well...I tried.

02-24-2012, 11:10 AM
Well, part of me says that Sunny has always been such a people bird, adn he loves being with us so much, that he would not totally abandon us. But part of me feels that he would so much prefer another of his own kind. How could he not? We are really a poor substitute for another bird of his own species. Also, I would have a bad space problem if they didn't get along.

Just because a lovebird has a lovebird companion doesn't mean that you will get left out of the equation! Sunny's relationship with you has been dependent (and will always be dependent) on the amount of attention he gets from you. All of my lovebirds have companions if they want one and my personal pets remain just that, my personal pets. When I'm not there, they have each other. When I am, I still have a relationship with my guys/gals. I've got one absolutely adorable OF Green Peachie male who lives with 4 other lovebirds but when I'm around, he paces until I take him out!

02-24-2012, 12:11 PM
Thats so cute Linda.
And, there is NO guarantee (as I am finding) that getting a friend for your lovie will work...they may hate each other...LOL. Jitterbug is definitely NOT impressed with his new "friend" Melon...oh well...I tried.

You know, if Jitterbug is in hormone overload, he may just be extra aggressive to other birds right now, especially if he considers your or Ben to be his mate. Like the story with the senegal parrot that stopped paying attention to his female companion at all because he was getting "strong signals" from his owner. When he calms down, maybe he'll have a change of heart about melon.