View Full Version : Odd(or not so odd) behaviour from my hen[pic included]

01-27-2012, 11:17 AM
I've posted about how my lovebird Gypsy is a bird with a past, and after her bad experiences has become distrustful of people when they approach her. She was very nippy for a long time. Recently we moved and we made friends with a couple who also had a rescue bird, in this case a male cockatiel named Phoenix. This week Phoenix came over to stay a couple nights while their apartment was being sprayed for bugs. The birds were instantly interested in each other, if a bit wary. Gypsy has spent a long time in foster homes and in aviaries and in December she stayed at a Parrot Hotel over christmas while we went on a trip to my aunt's. The lady who runs the hotel said she was great and not aggressive at all toward her or the other birds(some of which were conures, cockatiels, budgies and one other lovebird).

Anyway, she has never ever let me cuddle her, but my friend let her bird, Phoenix out of his cage and he got in her arms and rested his head on her shoulder while she scritched his neck and kissed him. Gypsy was also out of her cage and began doing some very strange behaviour I have never ever seen. She watched this interaction between Phoenix and his owner intently, and almost excitedly. Then, out of nowhere she flew over and tried to get into it! She spooked Phoenix terribly and he was afraid of her all day after. She has never ever looked for scritches or cuddling and has expressed deep distaste in any attempts, ESPECIALLY on the head area.

It happened again the next day. Phoenix's owner had left and it was just us and him and Gypsy. We had them out of the cage and Phoenix was sitting on my fiancé's shoulder, puffed up and resting. Gypsy again watched this intently, her head moving around erratically. Then she flew over and landed on my fiancé's other shoulder! She has never sat on anyone's shoulder before. She is generally even afraid of arms because there are fingers attached to them. But she went right over and sat there and preened his hair.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/397834_10150579678648407_504493406_8850557_6032779 77_n.jpg

It is odd because this is behaviour she has never exhibitted before and may have only done so a very long time ago with her original owner who handfed her and her old mate who is long dead. Poor Phoenix has never seen a bird as long as his owners have had him. We don't know his past, except that he is an escaped bird from somewhere and they found him in their yard and no one came to claim him. He is a much more laid back bird and easily frightened. Gypsy later tried to nap beside him. Something she does with me as well. She will call me over and when I sit down by her cage, she'll scuttle up close, flamingo stand and go to sleep.

All in all, the behaviour has been strange and novel but very cute and very promising. When the weather gets warmer, I'd like her to see more of Phoenix because he seems to be a good influence, even if https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/397834_10150579678648407_504493406_8850557_6032779 77_n.jpgthey can't speak each other's languages.:happy:

She was praised most highly for this pleasant behaviour.

01-27-2012, 02:42 PM
Oh dont think they dont understand each other they do:)
i have a lovebird who didnt get along in the bachalor pad with two other male nothing majour just chaseing each other guarding food bowls etc...well i decided to put him in with my male an female cockatiel..worked perfect no aggresion and they talk to each other the tiel has learned his peeps and my lovebird has picked up a few words from my teil! (granted its "move...mine..and up up " XD
this combo doesnt always work but when it does it works well :)

01-27-2012, 03:38 PM
Not surprizing that it takes a parrot to impress upon another parrot that their actually missing out on something. .. And it sounds like Phoenix has left quite an impression on Gypsy!...........:lol

01-27-2012, 09:12 PM
It definitely seems to be the case. I hope they'll be seeing a lot more of each other. Phoenix has gone home now.