View Full Version : Can a peachface and a black mased (or Fischers) be friends?

02-02-2012, 08:51 AM
Just thinking, for fun, about if I do decide down the road to get Jitterbug a buddy. Would he be able to get along with a different type of lovebird, like a black masked or a fischers? Just talking about males here...I know we wouldnt want to risk putting a male of one type with a female of another, in case they bred. But just for two boys to be buddies, would that work? Im just curious. :)

02-02-2012, 09:33 AM
A lot depends on the individual lovebirds but I've had same gender friendships in the past and it's worked out well. As long as the other lovebird is a guaranteed male, I can't offer any negative thoughts as long as they get along well.

02-02-2012, 02:15 PM
OH cool...thanks Linda. Definitely two boys, but, maybe someday we'll try that. I've always thought that those little blue black masked lovies were adorable...I'd love to have one. :whistle: Do they make the same great pets that peachface lovies do?

02-02-2012, 06:40 PM
They sure can :)

My male masked and female peachie are very good friends. But the male came first and the peachie was just a baby still when we got her so that might have something to do with their relationship. I don't think my female would be very accepting of him if she met him as an older bird.

02-02-2012, 07:46 PM
Awww...so cute! Are peachies bigger than masks? Looks that way in your photo. How do masks compare to peachies as pets? I'd love your insight!

02-04-2012, 05:28 AM
Awww...so cute! Are peachies bigger than masks? Looks that way in your photo. How do masks compare to peachies as pets? I'd love your insight!

Thanks :)
Peachies are bigger, yes. My Dreki is 12 grams heavier than Pixel.
Of course I only have those two to make up my opinion about them but what I've read seems to support it so here goes...

Peachies are more outgoing while maskeds are more timid and might take them longer to accept new things. My Dreki bosses Pixel around all the time, I don't know if it's just a gender or personality thing or if their type comes into account.
Pixel is calmer than Dreki and actually sits still sometimes and Dreki is louder than Pixel too but they make about the same amount of noise, Dreki's yells are just more ear piercing than Pixels :P

So in conclusion: Both lovely types of lovebirds, the peachie just has a bit more oomph about her.

02-04-2012, 07:46 AM
Thank you ... that is helpful. I think I might like to experience a black masked personality someday...we'll see!