View Full Version : Long Distance Road Trip

02-04-2012, 10:21 AM
I have two female lovebirds that are under a year old. I will be separating them soon as they sexually mature. I will be getting a mate for my lutino because she prefers the companionship of another bird. I will be moving in a 1.5 months on a 2 day road trip. They will travel in a single light cage, which is half the size they are used to. If I get a male now, have 30 day quarantine time and then a couple weeks with my lutino - will I be able to put all 3 birds together for travel. I would introduce the male to both females during supervised visits so they'll have a couple weeks to get to know one another. But my main concern is can I have 1 male and 2 females together traveling on a 2 day road trip?

02-04-2012, 10:27 AM
Two females and one male in the same cage is a poor idea and extremely risky. If the male/female pair get along, those 2 together would be fine. I would house the extra female singly or you may find yourself with a problem that could interrupt your trip if they all don't get along. I've had 3 lovebirds in one cage (all males) but they grew up together and still, to this day, get along. Trios are always a risk when it comes to lovebirds.

02-04-2012, 10:40 AM
Thanks for the advice. I guess the best thing would be to wait until i move to get the male. Definately don't want interruptions on a long road trip that will already be a little stressful.

02-04-2012, 02:03 PM
One more question...I have a travel carrier that is 17"x12"x8". It's designed for birds - I use it when i fly with them. If I put my single female in that for the two day road trip, would that be too stressful on her? Of course I'll take her out some as I always do for exercise. And we'll be stopping in a hotel, but she'd still be stuck in that. I just don't want to stress my babies any more than necessary. They are used to being in a 36"x32" cage. Thanks again for the tips.

02-15-2012, 07:19 AM
Two females and one male in the same cage is a poor idea and extremely risky. If the male/female pair get along, those 2 together would be fine. I would house the extra female singly or you may find yourself with a problem that could interrupt your trip if they all don't get along. I've had 3 lovebirds in one cage (all males) but they grew up together and still, to this day, get along. Trios are always a risk when it comes to lovebirds.

Absolutely agree :)