View Full Version : Is my lovebird going to lay eggs??

02-07-2012, 02:08 PM
I have bought a lovebird lately for my female lovebird. I'm not 100% sure if the latest one is a male, I wasn't that convinced as the petshop seller told me he was a male because of the shape of his head. Is this true anyway??? Can you tell if he is a male form the shape of his head? Cause I had learnt you can only tell from the pelvis. It is a fisher lovebird btw.

Today I have also notice my female lovebird fatter than usual and also breathing harder. Could be she is going to lay eggs? Or it is just the cold weather?

Pips mom
02-07-2012, 02:17 PM
The only way to know for sure the sex is with DNA testing, or if the bird lays an egg. If you recently put your female with a male, then it could be that the female may be getting ready to lay an egg, yes, or there could be something wrong. If I was you, I'd take my lovebird to the vet and get her checked out to be safe.

02-07-2012, 02:41 PM
Is your first lovebird a known hen? Is that one also a Fischer's? If they are different species, they should not be allowed or encouraged to breed.

With Fischer's (eye-ring species, in general), eye shape can be a clue as to gender. When I want a male eye-ring lovie, I look for one with round eyes. Females tend to have almond shaped eyes. Look at just the eye, not the eye-ring. I would not guarantee gender based on this but it's always worked for me.

02-11-2012, 10:34 AM
Thanks. The one i'm sure is a female it is a peach face, while the unknown one is a fisher. Thanks I'll cxheck their eyes.

02-11-2012, 09:21 PM
Those 2 species should not be bred together. The offspring will be sterile hybrids...

02-11-2012, 10:21 PM
......Today I have also notice my female lovebird fatter than usual and also breathing harder. Could be she is going to lay eggs? Or it is just the cold weather

Please update us on how your female peachfaced is doing. .. By what you've described, she may in fact have an egg onboard. Life threatening? Yes! If need be, look up images on whats refered to as a "torpedo butt" on the web. .. If there's any semblance, then she may be eggbound.

02-12-2012, 03:39 PM
Today, she layed another egg!! After three days! I hope they are fertilised. She is taking good care of them and right now she is sleeping on them!

02-12-2012, 05:07 PM
Thank gosh! .. And now that she's incubating them, that was probably her last egg. ...........:)

02-20-2012, 10:20 AM
A third egg!!! However she is really acting strangly with the 'male' lovebird she sometimes sits on him instead of the eggs. is that normal? she also bites his mouth...is she trying to feed him? we never caught him feeding her though.

02-20-2012, 11:28 AM
fischers are smaller than peach-faces. Maybe she's treating him like a chick. Don't let them breed in the future. Fischers and peach-faces are DIFFERENT species, and they will produce mule babies. There is no reason to do it and many reasons not to. The babies aren't particularly attractive, either.

02-20-2012, 02:11 PM
If the eggs make babies you will know the other is for sure a male. But it possible the new bird is a female also. While 2 females tend to not get along they can. Is the new bird younger then your hen? If so maybe she is mothering it. I agree with previous posters though if they do indeed hatch do not let them have anymore after this clutch. Hybrids have a higher chance of being ill and have behavior issues. They have 2 diffrent instincts from the 2 types and they can cause the bird to not know what to follow. If you wish to breed your female you need a confirmed male that is her age(or older) and a peachfaced.