View Full Version : What do you think of this guy?

02-08-2012, 10:19 AM
Just toying with something here...what do you guys think of this little lovie?


The breeder said he is friendly (actually, dont know gender for sure, but she can dna) and is ready for a new home. Im wondering if this could be a nice little friend for Jitterbug (IF this bird is a boy). He can be shipped to NH. Any thoughts?

02-08-2012, 11:23 AM
Cute little one, that's for sure! Sometimes you can sex eye-ring species by eye shape. Males tend to have round eyes, while females tend to have almond shaped ones. I will never guarantee gender based on this but it's worked for me when I'm looking for breeder stock. If the breeder DNA sexes and it turns out to be a hen, do you pay for the test or does the breeder swallow the cost? I only charge for tests that confirm the gender requested. You can pay for a lot of testing otherwise!

Which airline would be used for the shipping? Continental doesn't have temperature restrictions. Delta does.

02-08-2012, 11:37 AM
I would pay for the dna test, regardless of the outcome. Can you make an educated guess on the gender by the eye shape, from the photo? I have no idea.
Continental doesnt ship to NH, so I guess it would have to be Delta. But we have been having an exceptionally mild winter, with some days reaching over 50 degrees. Unbelievable!

02-08-2012, 12:40 PM
The angle of the photo could change what appears to be the shape of the eye but I would guess female. Keep in mind, seeing a photo is very different than seeing the bird in person.

If you want this baby, go for the DNA test and if it comes back male, you paid for the certificate so you have the right to have it. Whenever I DNA sex a lovebird, the certificate goes with the bird, as it's part of the purchase price. However, if I think a bird is a male and it turns out to be a hen, I pay for the test, as I guessed wrong. I still have a
DNA sexed lovebird that I can sell and my customer only pays for costs associated with the lovebird they are getting from me.

02-08-2012, 02:18 PM
he seems to be a nice and sweet lovebird; anyway I advice you of buying a bird of the same specie of Jitterbug;
@Linda: I did not know the theory of the eyes shape to determine the genders of the ringeye lovebirds;
Does it work well with the nigrigenis as well?

02-08-2012, 02:35 PM
Does it work well with the nigrigenis as well?
I could see a visual difference when I was breeding them. :) Check out your own proven pairs and see if it holds true for your own birds.

02-08-2012, 02:52 PM
I will try to see this difference..:)
I will inform you if I can notice this difference in shape of the eyes.
Thanks to have shared this info. :)

02-08-2012, 03:08 PM
Look only at EYE shape. Ignore the eye-ring.

02-08-2012, 03:30 PM
Well, there are also some handfed baby peachface lovies available, about an hour away from me. Might be a better idea to go that route, avoid shipping ( = save money), and stick with the same type of lovebird that Jitterbug is? I dont know. I love the little blue masked lovies...they are so cute...but I would want to give them the best chance of hitting it off so maybe another peachface is a better plan. Hmmmmm.......

02-08-2012, 03:42 PM
Well, there are also some handfed baby peachface lovies available, about an hour away from me. Might be a better idea to go that route, avoid shipping ( = save money), and stick with the same type of lovebird that Jitterbug is? I dont know. I love the little blue masked lovies...they are so cute...but I would want to give them the best chance of hitting it off so maybe another peachface is a better plan. Hmmmmm.......

the little blue masked lovies is adorable but I believe another peachface is the best choise for Jitterbug;
Keep in mind that two different lovie types can share the same cage very well, thus if you will choose the little blue masked lovies then Jitterbug could be happy as well..
You only can choose :)

02-08-2012, 03:46 PM
Look only at EYE shape. Ignore the eye-ring.

Ok linda;) I will only watch the eye shape.

Pips mom
02-08-2012, 04:25 PM
I know people who have the two different kinds of lovies together in pairs, and knowing Pip, I think if he wanted a lovie friend that he wouldn't be prejudice against a lovie that doesn't look so much like him, so I don't think I'd chose a peachie for that reason. I would, howerver, chose a peachie because I think that they are the cutest!!!:D

02-08-2012, 04:32 PM
LOL Kim....

02-08-2012, 08:05 PM
We've had happy mixed friendships happen in my mom's flock. Not exactly scientific study data, but it does happen. :)

02-09-2012, 02:18 PM
my strongest bonded pair is a half ficher half peachfaced hen hybrid and a peachfaced male (baby boo and sunshine)

02-09-2012, 03:58 PM
Ok linda;) I will only watch the eye shape.

I stared my proven pairs but I was not able to distinguish males and females;
the difference of the eye shape has to be very slim among two genders; :(
I'm not skilled for feeling this difference..>: