View Full Version : New birdies, same ones...LOL

02-21-2012, 07:48 AM
Hello everyone. Yesterday I decided to make a "few" changes to my lovies cage. They had this log thing inside the cage that was bolted to the side. It was big enough for both of them to go inside it. It had a bottom but the top and one side was open. I was worried they would try to build a nest in it so I took it out. I also moved a few of the toys around so they had better access to them.
This morning we go about the normal routine, I fix the food and water dishes for them. Then I sat on the couch and watched them. They are swinging on the swing, climbing on toys and just having a grand time.

I think I have forced them to be out in the open more and they are deciding they like it.... ppat

02-21-2012, 08:31 AM
Sounds like removing the log was a grand idea. .. And will help curtail any nesting issues too. ..Good move! ... I also move things around from time to time. Rotate toys. Move a perch or two. The only area I leave alone is the flat perch where they sleep. ........:)

02-21-2012, 08:45 AM
I have to agree 100% with removing the log, too! Anything that can be used for breeding purposes will be used in that capacity! Sometimes ya gotta think like a parrot to realize how they see things. Glad they are enjoying their toys. Swings are always a hit with mine!