View Full Version : Outside birds... good or bad?

02-23-2012, 08:44 AM
I have bird feeders outside which attract quite a few birds. Yesterday I had our lovebird by the window and she went absolutely bonkers when she saw the other birds. She was bobbing her head, and walking back and forth in the cage. My question is am I taunting her or is this a good form of entertainment?

02-23-2012, 09:11 AM
I'm sure someone else will answer this as I really don't know, but it's a tough call, isn't it? I used to feel bad playing videos and sounds for my budgie. He would try to interact with the video bird, perch on the perch... But when he was in shock that first week, it really perked him up.

Pips mom
02-23-2012, 10:22 AM
My birds love watching the birds outside! especially Ivy! oh, except for one time we were out and Ivy started making this crazy sound and freaking out.....I looked up, and there was a hawk way up high circling around......Ivy don't miss much! the other birds never even noticed!

02-23-2012, 07:10 PM
Ok good. I did notice she perks up quite a bit when she hears a bird on the tv or spots the birds outside. I just feel like I'm taunting her with things she can't have. I think she does enjoy it, but I just wanted to double check. lol

02-24-2012, 03:03 PM
my birds talk to the outside birds comeing on my lanai all the time and my tiel even copies a few calls, so long as you interact with your bird and dont use outside birds as the only interaction your fine :)

02-24-2012, 05:09 PM
Ditto loves to talk to the sparrows outside. Once I had him in his little cage on my screened porch and was right inside in the kitchen. I could hear him making his quiet little sparrow chirps, then I heard a bunch more, way too many to be coming just from him. So I quietly went to the door and looked out and there he was chatting away at a flock of sparrows (it was spring so there were a bunch of babies that had recently fledged). They were eating the avi-cake and nutriberry scraps I dumped out there and when he was chatting with them several of the babies hopped up on the step to get closer.:happy:

He doesn't like chipmonks much though, one day he was out there and I heard this screaming match going on so I went to see what was up and there he was in his cage looking as mean as a lovie could look and screaming like a hawk at this poor little chipmonk who was screaming back at him.

02-24-2012, 05:17 PM
It sounds like that "poor little" chipmunk gave as good as he took

02-25-2012, 05:49 AM
I can't see how it could hurt, though it isn't a bad idea to mark the windows in some way so the birds don't fly into them. (i.e. blinds, mosquito netting, uv stickers).

I like bringing these guys out in the frontpack- I have a big frontpack with a perch and water dishes that I can put on. Its the only travel implement Kokoro will go in without a huge fit, and sit outside. They like to sit and talk with the wildlife.

You're right, though Kim. The Hawks scared the heck out of Koko when we were up at my grandparents'. The lovies didn't even notice.

02-27-2012, 03:43 AM
I hope it's ok as we have hundreds of lorikeets in our quandong trees right now. They screech from 5.30 am till about 9.Our Lovebird Chatterbox squeaks back at them every now and then, but if I play a lovebird call on the computer she flies onto the speaker and has a great conversation with it. It's so funny.

03-07-2012, 04:59 AM
Yes you can take outside your bird for a while, if weather here was warmer I'll do that for my precious :)