View Full Version : Odinn the Explorer

02-25-2012, 04:40 AM
You remember Odinn the submissive, Odinn the terrified? When he first came here 3 years ago in March, he was afraid of EVERYTHING. He would reluctantly trail after Frey, his mate, and they would try to build places to hang out together, but mostly he kept to himself. After a while I could coax him out with food, but it took a bit to get him to come around- and there were constant set backs. Most of you know how it went over time, anyhow. After a couple of years, Odinn lost his fear of hands, and even became the dominant member of his and Frey's pairing. At least when it comes to exploring. When Chris or I open their house, Odinn immediately flies onto our hands. Recently, though sometimes I'll hear his wings flutter, and a little green blur will go by me and he's out! So much for my perfectly behaved lovebirds! He's into EVERYTHING and Frey is right behind him. :rotfl Luckily this flock is so used to each other now that they don't even have territory squabbles anymore, so its all good. Things are really mellow and balanced. There used to be a gasp and held breath while the situation was rectified, if the lovebirds went into the parrotlets' territory but now even Benny couldn't care less if another bird is prancing about on his house.

Frey and Odie are wonderful, loyal lovies. To this day, Frey won't go to bed until Chris gets home and gets in bed. The second he's in bed, Frey makes a bee-line right into the hut where Odie's waiting. :)

02-25-2012, 04:55 AM
That is so cute. They sound like real little characters...so much personality! Very funny. Do you have any recent pics of the little cuties?

02-25-2012, 05:11 AM
Chris actually took some earlier this week. I'll have him e-mail them to me so I can post 'em. :)

02-25-2012, 09:44 AM
Hi Kristi! Cute story.... I can't wait to see pics!