View Full Version : I dont know how my lovebird is feeling..

02-29-2012, 04:14 PM
Hi all, let me tell you guys an incident and I hope you can help me.

Just 2 weeks ago, while letting out my 2 lovebirds to play, one of them flew out the window.
My family went out searching for it but couldnt find it. The next day I heard a familiar chirp from just above my apartment, my neighbour has a new lovebird with exactly the same colour as the one that flew away. I tried asking them about it, but they claim to have bought it from the store. I even brought my cage with my other lovebird to show them.

Anyway since we live close, the lovebirds can hear each other and always calling out to each other. I have afew toys and swings in the cage, but I never see it playing them since it lost its partner. He just sits on the perch facing my neighbour's direction and squeaks away..

However when I, come close to let it out to play it seems really happy, and while training and playing, seems to forget about its partner and focuses on me. And just recently it has started to allow me to stroke it. But it makes me sad to see him sitting there all day not playing or anything until I let it out.

Please help me make Pipin a happy bird :very_sad:

02-29-2012, 04:25 PM
He's definitely going to miss his buddy, but he can adjust to having you and your family as his flock. You could always get another bird to keep him company, but even if you want to do that, 1. I would wait until you have a better relationship with him, so hopefully you will be able to maintain it after getting a second bird, and 2. realize that not all lovebirds will get along. See the threads about Melon and Jitterbug.

02-29-2012, 04:39 PM
Also what about asking your neighbour about setting up a weekly playdate so the two can interact and play together?

02-29-2012, 04:55 PM
Well, there are quarantine issues there if you're strict with that kind of thing, at least unless your neighbor is willing to acknowledge that it is your bird (if it, in fact, is)

Pips mom
02-29-2012, 06:41 PM
I'd go to that neighbor and tell them that your lovebird is very sad without it's mate and that birds bond so strongly and it's very hard on them when they lose that buddy.....maybe they will feel guilty if it is your bird. Ask more questions to that neighbor......ask where they got the bird and then go confirm that someone just bought a lovebird of that color by showing them a photo. Seems like quite a coincidence that the neighbor has the identical same looking bird and just got it right after yours got out.

02-29-2012, 06:52 PM
(disclaimer: This all assumes that your neighbors lied, and that your bird is in their house now. I have not taken a stance on the issue.)

The thing is, people tend to be a little stupid. If the neighbors have kids, for example, they will justify what they did by saying the kids are already attached, and that you aren't a very responsible owner anyway, as it got away from you in the first place. Again, these are simply justifications and don't make it right. Also, since they already told you they got it from a pet store, they will be very reluctant to admit that they lied and essentially stole your bird. The kind of person that would lie about it in the first place is the same kind of person that would never admit they lied without stone-cold, inescapable proof, like a microchip. So essentially, your only hope of getting the bird back is either finding a way to prove that it is yours, perhaps a kid letting slip how they found the bird or something, or them getting tired of it (as many people often tire of having birds) and offering to take it off their hands.

you could also try begging and explaining how upset your bird is, hoping to appeal to their better nature, but most people are too proud to admit that they screwed up that badly, or have other people see them in a bad light.

02-29-2012, 07:52 PM
.......Just 2 weeks ago, while letting out my 2 lovebirds to play, one of them flew out the window. .... My family went out searching for it but couldnt find it. The next day I heard a familiar chirp from just above my apartment, my neighbour has a new lovebird with exactly the same colour as the one that flew away. I tried asking them about it, but they claim to have bought it from the store. I even brought my cage with my other lovebird to show them......

Considering the circumstances, its not unusual to have reservations about your neighbors coincidental new lovebird. .. Any chance they may be willing to verify where they purchased it from? Did you notice the type of cage it was in, or whether there were toys and such? ... I'm very sorry to hear your lovebirds mate managed to escape. Its even more devastating to think that your remaining lovebird may now be making contact calls to a mate he/she can no longer spend time with. ... I'm sorry, but if there's any reason to suspect your neighbors might be keeping a parrot that wasn't theirs to begin with, then I would feel both morally and lawfully obligated to pursue the truth. .. Besides, most poeple who are honest and understand your plight, would have no problem placing another persons mind at ease with facts. .. It is also against the law to keep another persons pet, especially if you have proof of purchase via receipt, or verbal contract. Most states in fact, consider pets property. (as terrible as that sounds)

Lovebirds can, despite losing their mate, exist quite well on their own. .. Even so, the choice to adopt another lovebird as company may well be worth the effort. Whether or not your lovebird will accept another lovebird however, can be a whole new adventure. .. For now though, maybe see how well you two get along on your own. If after a few weeks another lovie sounds like a plan, then by all means check out your options.

02-29-2012, 08:12 PM
You're lovebird wouldn't happen to have a band on it, would it?

02-29-2012, 10:57 PM
Thank you all for your advice.

Also what about asking your neighbour about setting up a weekly playdate so the two can interact and play together?

I'm actually not very close to that neighbour of 10 over years. And being the fierce, busy parents, I highly doubt they would want a playdate..

I totally agree with you that people are too proud to admit they messed up.. I bet they knew it was my bird when I when up to ask them like 2 weeks ago, but now would be 'too late' to say "it was your bird, here take it."
No it does not have a band. I've had them for about 3-4mths now, I didnt think it would be neccesary for a band since they are only going to be flying around in the house.

Yes, it is too much of a coincidence as people in my area don't usually keep lovebirds as they are so loud. It may be the same colour with a very familiar chirp, but that is not enough evidence to claim it is mine, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt and try to move on..

Will they ever move on if they can hear each other everyday?
It would be good if you guys have a suggestion on how I can slowly make Pipin play his toys again.

03-01-2012, 12:41 AM
Bummer about the bands... my budgie each had a band from whatever bird mill the pet store got them from. If you really wanted to snoop, you could ask what pet store they got the bird from. Come to think of it, most pet stores don't sell lovebirds, so that would take some creativity in itself, and then there would be the issue of whether the suspected bird is banded, and if the ones at the pet store are. They could always claim they took the band off, but it's pretty flimsy considering how difficult it is to get a lovie to hold still. Better yet, next time you see the neighbor, tell him your bird is really depressed and isn't playing with his toys (heck, pull out the myth about lovebirds sometimes dying without their partner), and you want to get him a new buddy, and where did you get your bird?

03-01-2012, 11:39 AM
.......Will they ever move on if they can hear each other everyday?
It would be good if you guys have a suggestion on how I can slowly make Pipin play his toys again.

Lovebirds who lose a mate often go through a mourning period. For Pipin unfortunately, that period is now extended because he still hears another lovebird. .. I would imagine he spends most his time listening and waiting for his mate to return:(. .. This is difficult in that there's really no way to know how long or how severe its going to affect him. .. Once again, I can only suggest that you give it time. If you want, maybe move things around a bit, or spend a little extra time with him. .. Being his primary caretaker, i'm sure you know more than anyone of whether or not Pipin can move on to being his old self again.

My guess at this point would be that most poeple would be thinking about getting him another mate. .. I would, especially if Pipin's life revolved around the "other bird" to the point where he constantly appears unhappy or agitated. .. Mate or not though, things have certainly changed for Pipin. How he would behave without the constant reminder is beyond me. ... How old is Pipin?

Pips mom
03-06-2012, 09:45 AM
I know firsthand what it's like to have to watch your bird so upset, sad and wanting it's mate back so bad! I think it's really horrible if that neighbor took in a lost bird and knows that yours is missing. You can always go to that neighbor and explain to them how sad it is when a bird loses it's mate..........you could then ask info on where they got the bird, saying that you'd like to know because you were thinking of getting another one. You really need to make an effort first to look for your lost bird and make sure that there's no chance of getting him back. Getting a new lovebird as a mate for the one that you have is not a guarantee.......they may not get along and especially if he can still hear the calls of his mate! GOO to that neighbor and do what you can do,(it's never too late!) talk to them, cry if you have to! get the info on where they got the bird so you can check into it and know for sure the truth!

03-06-2012, 06:20 PM
To bad your not in hawaii i have a couple huuuuge samoans i could loan you, i use them for evictions and such just thier presence is enough lol

03-23-2012, 07:40 AM
xMos: I hope everything gets sorted out in a way that happiness is restored to all. Must be so hard. Unless you have proof the neighbours bird is really yours it may be better to be cautious - there's still the possibilty (unlikely) that it isn't. Have you any good photographs that would help as proof. I assume you have sorted the window to prevent similar unhappy experiences?