View Full Version : can you believe it!

joan gault
10-08-2005, 09:37 AM
Hi All Lovie Parents:
I am just appalled this morning! I'm trying to find new homes for 2 of my babies and I had a woman phone me to inquire about them. When I asked her if she ever owned a lovebird before she said yes and wanted to replace hers that flew away recently. This woman actually let the bird fly around the neighborhood on a regular basis and then when it didn't come home 1 day she was surprised. Can you believe this! :evil: :evil: We don't live in florida or somewhere where it is warm year round. There is no way she gets 1 of my babies. Thanks for letting me vent.

10-08-2005, 10:19 AM
:roll: You've gotta wonder what goes through some people's heads sometimes... Good thing you found out that before she got one of your babies...


10-08-2005, 10:24 AM
Joan, can I believe it???? Yes and no! Some of the stories I've heard since owning a bird have been so unbelievable that sometimes I didn't think they could be true....only to find out they ARE true! Thank heavens this woman told you this, otherwise you might have only heard the good things about her lovebird past and never have known she was nuts! I guess that asking, "do you allow your birds to fly around outside?" needs to be added to the list! Who would ever have thought that would be necessary???? This world is full of crazy people! :roll: Hope you find a GOOD home for them soon! :)

10-08-2005, 02:05 PM

Not only will she not get one of your babies, I hope you gave her a good what for!!!!! Geez, you have to wonder how some people make it from point A, to point B sometimes :rolleyes:

10-08-2005, 02:16 PM
With everything I've read since I've been on message boards, there's nothing that surprises me any more!!! I'm glad, Joan, that she will not be getting one of your babies!

10-08-2005, 06:25 PM
I know the feeling on my budgie board there is a person who lets their bird go outside on shoulder all the time. They think because bird has never flown that it never will :roll:


10-10-2005, 05:24 PM
Joan....so what did you tell her?...how do you deny people without making them mad?...this is the sort of thing that worries me when trying to find homes....I mean I think I'm pretty smart.....and I too wonder how people get from point A to point B daily!!!....and I think well, if I can do it....surely other people can to....just how hard can it be?....act like you know what you are doing and be responsible...but on the other hand I've had budgies for years and sadly they only lived to be 4 or 5 because I was not educated on a good diet for birds, I never even thought of letting them out of their cages....but I got a tiel in April, then another to companion the first, then Jake and Sara....etc...etc....then I killed Sara with her stupid blood feathers.....bla....bla....bla.....I know. How much can you be responsible for? Or do you just try to educate people. Who knows what people are going to do with their pets anyway. There is much living and much learning;trial and error. And crazy things happen to the most careful people. I killed several budgie eggs trying to prevent splayed legs for Lucky, but I walked right into the pet store yesterday and bought 2 zebra finches and they didn't flinch or ask me if I knew how to take care of them. I guess everybody is doing the best they can. I always think I'm doing the best I can.
So...did she get mad? I am really curious.