View Full Version : My lovebird doesn't seem happy...

03-07-2012, 04:33 PM
Its been a year now that I have my lovebird.... and still I wonder if it's truly happy with us...

I love him and it breaks my heart to see that this little guy doesn't show any sign of happiness even though I try everything to keep it entertained. I spent so much money on toys (like, he literally has an amusement park) and he is not even playing with ONE of them =(

He doesnt want us to go near him, he freaks out when we show our hands and makes a weird cricket sound when he is nervous...

Since we have our dove, it seems that he only wants to go see HER and I dont know if he wants to attack her ou be friends with her... (my dove is still in quarantine so I dont let them approach each other.)

I am starting to believe what he really wants is a bird friend. But my boyfriend hates it so much there is no way we can have another lovebird...

How can I make him happy? what can I do to satisfy his needs other than getting another bird?

03-07-2012, 07:49 PM
Emy, it seems as if no one is happy in this relationship. I would suggest you give up the Lovebird to some one that will take care of it and if it needs a companion, they will get it. It just breaks my heart to hear about this. Please, do what is right.
Now, if it was me....the boyfriend would go and I would get another bird.

You mention alot of toys. I remember reading that the birds need room to fly around in the cage. So, you may be overwhelming the bird if you have to many toys in the cage.

I have had my 2 lovies for a little over a month and they are just starting to come up to the side of the cage I am closest to. When I talk or sing to them they turn their head to listen to me. At first they wanted nothing to do with me except to bite me if I went to close to them. They are slowly learning I will not hurt them.

These are just ideas. I am sure others on here know so much more than I do and may be able to help you more than I....ppat

03-07-2012, 08:07 PM
How often does he get out of cage time? It is possible he and the dove can become friends. Just watch them well. Lovebirds can make friends with other bird types. Just be warned he might prefer the doves company to you. Some birds do. But you can still have a relationship with him.I suggest talking daily to your bird. Sit next to his cage and just chat. Chat about anthing. If possbile when you eat dinner have his cage near by(or is home alone eat near him). Whistle and chirp to him when you are home. You said he made a cricket sound...does it sound like maybe him grinding his beak? If so that is a good sign actually. Or is it like a little chirp? Do not give up on him just yet. If you work on it he can come around to liking you.

03-07-2012, 09:01 PM
lovebirds can be happy as singular pets, they just need you to make up for it with interaction. It's best just to have a few toys in the cage at a time, and rotate them every few days (careful not to take out any absolute favorites). He may be lethargic due to some deficiency or another, also. What is his diet like? Like mummie said, try eating near the cage and talking to him. And try to make sure he gets some sunlight each day, or at least full spectrum lighting. A lot of birds really perk up just because of lighting. It will also prevent a vitamin d deficiency, which can only really be naturally prevented with sunlight. A window on a clear, warm day could work. But open for a little while, so that the light isn't going through the glass.

03-08-2012, 10:28 AM
Do you know your lovebird's history? Was your lovie a baby before he came to you or a rescue that may have had difficulties in the past? Some birds don't know how to play with toys because they never had any, or may just have psychological problems that require a lot of time, patience, and TLC to work out. Also, if there's someone around that really dislikes the bird, as an intelligent and perceptive creature, your lovie is most likely aware of this.

If all the toys you mentioned are in the cage- as some others have said, your bird may need more space. If hands are an issue, try to minimize how much you put your hands near your bird for a while, talk/sing to/eat near- try to have a friendly, familial, loving atmosphere going on around the cage and yourself. Really, I've had shy birds I've never handled before start wanting to come out just by having their cage next to my computer where I sit and work all day, eat my meals and after a while had them come out and decide to perch on me.

Once the dove gets out of quarantine, maybe having a feathered friend will help things a bit. All my birds like to interact with each other, even if they don't like to sit and play and preen each other- they all communicate with bird talk and some even verbally in English- it makes them feel good to have other feathers in their flock. That isn't to say single lovebird can be happy with the right kind of attention, though.

I hope things will work out better with your lovie, and that if you do have an uphappy bird, things will turn around.

03-08-2012, 03:32 PM
.......I love him and it breaks my heart to see that this little guy doesn't show any sign of happiness even though I try everything to keep it entertained. I spent so much money on toys (like, he literally has an amusement park) and he is not even playing with ONE of them =(

Is that your lovebird atop your head? .... Not all lovebirds take to toys real well. In fact, some may even view them as colourful intruders, others as not even toys. .. For instance, both my lovebirds can care less about any of the toys i've purchased. I even went out to an auction one time and bought several box lots of various bird toys. Out of the 500+ toys i've rotated throughout the last few years, only about three were well received. .. Amazing, is that all three had dingy bells. Go figure. .. What i've found with my birds, as well as many others, is that they prefer the least admirable of objects. Exception here? My hair! ..To them, things like rolled up paper (some stuck between cage bars), dinnerware (spoons), plastic balls, straws, and plastic bottle caps are far more entertaining than the expensive store bought toys. .. Oh yeah, they do like their swings, T.V. remote, my cell phone, and chewing my shirts and shoe's all to pieces. .... As for your lovie being unhappy. ..Despite the common perception that a happy bird should appear receptive and playful, that is not always the case. .. Regardless whether they like hands or not, there are a handful (pun intended) who really are more content to either hang around their cage most the time, or just do their own thing, however, that does not mean they won't eventually come around, or, come out of their shell so to speak. .. BTW, is your lovebird a proven male?

03-08-2012, 04:43 PM
Thank you all for your answers, I'll go deeper in my descriptions.

Yes, the bird on top of my head is my love bird. When I bought it at the petstore, they told me he was about 6 months old (I say HE, but I still dont know if its a male or female). At first, whenever I wanted to show my hand or arm to invite it on it, it flew on my head. That was how the picture was taken lol.

During the day, he is in his cage, but we leave tv on for him. My bf works at home but he doesnt let it out. When I come home the first thing I do is open the cage so he can come out and sit on top of the cage. His park is actually starting on the ground and goes all top on the roof. The cage is in the middle and have a few toys in it. To bad I cant show a picture...

He is somewhat shoulder tame, but if I turn my head towards him it will bite my face.

I dont want to get rid of it, I love him and I want the best for him. And I feel that I dont know... I just dont trust anybody so I am not sure people are truly going to take care of him if I let it go.

I feel the love bird trusts me, but defenately not my bf. everytime hes around it tries to escape. But my bf never hurt him... perhaps he yells at it when i am not there.... idk.

How can I show you a pic of the park I made?

03-08-2012, 04:59 PM
upload it on photobucket or something, then post the link. Or post the actual picture in the photo gallery section

Your boyfriend might not be doing anything to hurt it or upset it, but birds tend to know when they are not liked. It could be as simple as him knowing that, or the fact that your boyfriend doesn't make the effort to build trust. :shrug:

03-08-2012, 05:56 PM
http://s1051.photobucket.com/albums/s421/mortiferpestis/?action=view&current=406531_10150479722096315_721496314_9041260 _1568223690_n.jpg

Did it work? (picture)

03-08-2012, 05:57 PM
http://http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s421/mortiferpestis/406531_10150479722096315_721496314_9041260_1568223 690_n.jpg

03-08-2012, 06:01 PM
http://i1051.photobucket.com/albums/s421/mortiferpestis/406531_10150479722096315_721496314_9041260_1568223 690_n.jpg

03-08-2012, 06:41 PM
if I'm not mistaken, you should only post links in this section. Linda can confirm that, though. Nice setup! I bet his playgym on the floor doesn't get much use, though. I'd put it somewhere that you spend a lot of time, like a desk or something. Too dark under there. Some perches on either side might help for him to get more exercise (flying back and forth). Other than that, rotating out the toys might help. To avoid spending a fortune, try and see if there are any toys in there he does like. What does he like about them? I had a budgie that loved swinging on the top of a mirror toy, making the bell ring, falling off... The easier a toy rang, the more he liked it. I got him an actual swing with a bell on it. success! it became his sleeping spot. Lovebirds are notorious chewers. Some like paper, some like rope, fabric, cardboard, or wood (hard or soft). Once you figure out what he likes, you can make his toys out of those things. For extra supplies, take apart toys he doesn't like for salvage. Some like food incorporated in toys. Some like bright colors. If he's used to having the same toys in there all the time, introduce one at a time and give it a few days. Some are phobic of new toys. a good start introducing paper could be an old phonebook or an empty toilet paper roll, or a paper towel roll cut in half (you don't want him stuck in the middle when its too long)

03-08-2012, 06:51 PM
Thanks for the advice, so here it is :

My lovebird likes his swing (but the doesnt swing on it, he stands on the top of as if scared), also he like a fluffy cabana (which is not on the picture) ans he like to chew on a fluffy end on the twisting rope at night before going to sleep. I think he likes fuffy stuff. Maybe I should give him plushies?

he also like to chew on my cell phone, ipod and tv remotes. Can I find toys that have the same structure? because I always thought he was just jealous of me playing with those...

03-08-2012, 07:16 PM
http://s1051.photobucket.com/albums/s421/mortiferpestis/?action=view&current=406531_10150479722096315_721496314_9041260 _1568223690_n.jpg

Did it work? (picture)

Looks great to me! ... :) ... There's a very good chance your lovie is quite happy. As mentioned by Summoora though, parrots can easily sense when their not appreciated. .. Along with Summoora, I would also follow the suggestions by mummieeva. During times when your unable to let him out, sit next to his cage, share a meal (offer something reasonably healthy like millet), and socialize with him as much as you can. While he's out, do the same, but allow him plenty of air space. .. One things for sure, he's very young, and there will always be enough time to build upon what may be a good relationship already. ... Oh..and yeah, my lovies are so jealous of my cell phone, I get bit!.....:omg:......:rotfl

03-08-2012, 07:19 PM
oh, it's pretty much a given that parrots will like whatever YOU are playing with, especially if it's breakable, and it breaking affects your ability to go about daily activities :rotfl

you could try a swing with a bell? every bird I know likes bells. Noisy, and shiny. What's not to like. IT would motivate him to play on it.

Sounds like he's a textile guy. Try putting together pieces of felt, safe rope, bits of cloth, but nothing too fluffy that could be ingested. Just things that he can tear up. Polar fleece is a good option because it doesn't fray. Fraying leads to loose strings which can be dangerous. You might also try something shreddable, like a parrot pinata.

03-08-2012, 09:00 PM
I would remove one of the bigger toys in his cage. Seems a little crowded in there. I agree about moving the play stuff under the cage up more. It is best to make floors a no zone for birds. That way they do not get stepped on by accident if they happen to escape. Birds can pick up on if you do not like them. I had a female bird that would fly to my husband and then pluck a hair off him and fly to me to save her. As a result my husband is not big on birds much.lol.

03-09-2012, 04:41 PM
Thank you everyone for your words of hope! I know my little lovie likes millet ALOT. and sunseeds.... I will put my computer near him so he can see me and I can talk to him. I'll give him save textiles, I got him a cabana (green and furry) and put a bell at the end and he seems to like it hehe =)

I also gave my bf a piece of my mind haha, telling him to stop yelling shut up at him and stop chasing him when he wants attention. (I know he does it...)

03-09-2012, 05:25 PM
Thank you Emy for sharing your lovebird experience. And who knows, maybe if you can get him to "step up" on a small perch, his next step might be your scarey hand. ..Hope every now and then you give us some updates. .. Let me add, your little guy (WHATS HIS NAME?!..:whistle:) sure is a pretty one :blush:.

03-09-2012, 08:30 PM
Also remind your boyfriend just like many forum member here they chose thier fid over thier boyfriend and found a better boyfriend who loves not only the person but ALSO thier bird!

03-10-2012, 08:04 AM
michael, my bird's name is Gringolo! (I wanted to name him Gringo, and my bf wanted to name him Ringolo,... so Gringolo it is! lol) I put a few pictures of him already on this forum and posted a few times =)

03-10-2012, 12:02 PM
Also remind your boyfriend just like many forum member here they chose thier fid over thier boyfriend and found a better boyfriend who loves not only the person but ALSO thier bird!

it sounds like in this case bf preceded fid. Sometimes not everyone in the household likes the pet. :shrug: As long as he's not abusing the bird, he's entitled to his own feelings.

03-10-2012, 04:54 PM
Yes, we decided to get gringolo atfer we got in appartment. He doesnt abuse the bird, he just loses patience sometimes and yells lol