View Full Version : Can I separate two lovebirds after 3 years?

03-16-2012, 03:46 AM
I am really sad to make this decision but, I can't stand it anymore.
My two lovebirds listen to other birds outside in the streets and they are trying to call them all the time.
They shout from morning to evening.
This is annoying as I leave in an apartment and there are 11 more apartments in the building.
One of my birds is normally quiet but shouts only when the other is shouting.

If I give one to a friend, will there be any bad effect in their lives? will they become sad after three years living together?


03-16-2012, 07:02 AM
Hi Marinos. Honestly, I feel its much better to keep them together. How they would react to being separated after three years? well :(. ... Have you exhausted all your alternatives? . Like you, I also live in an apartment complex, and just like your birds, mine often create quite a ruckus from time to time. .. Have you ever had complaints from other residents there? Have you asked if your lovebirds even bothered them? .. My lovebirds really don't make much more noise than those outside. And upon asking, my neighbors didn't really realize I had birds until they saw them through my patio doors. .. Possible too, is that your birds aren't noisy the whole time your out either....maybe? .. Have you thought about changing their cage location? Or rearranging furniture so to act as sound barriers?

I'm hoping you can somehow find a way to keep them together.

Willow and Oscar
03-16-2012, 04:28 PM
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but do they have lots to do? I find personally my birds are louder when they may be bored, so I give them new toys, things to destroy, chew on etc. I personally think a bird who is used to bird company who then becomes a lone bird may become depressed, but every bird is different...

03-16-2012, 06:39 PM
After being together so long if they are bonded it is not a good idea to separate them. It will not help the noise issue either. I could even make it worse because the remaining bird will call for it's mate. Like Michael suggested I would go outside and see how loud they really are. Ask neighbors also. it could be that they are all gone during day and hear nothing. Also moving them to another room might help. If you have to get them a new home I suggest both go. Forgive me if this come off badly. But they are a pair and seprating them could cause alot of issues. Imagine having a loved one for many years then one day they are gone with no signs were they went.

03-26-2012, 04:07 AM
I hope you can keep the two of them together. I am new to lovebirds and the two I have (Amor and Vida) tend to make lots of noise at around sunrise, then they have a morning sleep and come back to life about midday. I have them in their own room and just leave them alone when the noise might get too much. I assume that seperating them will create two little hearts filled with sadness :cry:

Of course, there is the possibility that if you seperate them that the remaining one may make even more noise.

If the noise is too annoying have you thought about finding a new owner for the two of them?

03-30-2012, 06:08 PM
I think if the noise annoys you then you are better off rehoming both birds. Leaving a radio on during the day often helps mask the noise from the outside birds, but either way, lovebirds are loud and vocal, regardless. I personally love the noise they make :)