View Full Version : Amor and Vida frightened during night.

03-21-2012, 11:54 AM
Just thought I would ask about this - a few evenings after bringing them to their new home I was woken up at 3am with Amor and Vida screeching and sounding very frightened. I went straight to them and found them on the cage floor, panting and looking as they they didn't know what was going on. I put a low wattage light on and after a while they went back to their 'sleeping' perch with no other problems.

I live in an apartment and I can only think it may have been the sirens of an emergency service vehicle passing by on a nearby road that panicked them.

The night after I left a dim light on for them - will this light cause any problems for Amor and Vida please?

I do not cover their cage at night.

03-21-2012, 12:02 PM
I cover my bird cages at night. I think it helps them. Your birds might have been frightened by the sounds they were hearing. Are they ok now? I'm sure someone else will add input shortly.

Barb :)

03-21-2012, 12:34 PM
Since they are in a new home/strange environment, noise made by things they can't see will scare them. Leaving a night light on for them will definitely help. I leave night lights on for all my birds and it doesn't bother them. Covering cages is a personal choice. I don't cover any of mine.

03-21-2012, 03:12 PM
I dont cover my cages..in nature there is starlight etc so low light is fine...also a mouse or lizard can cause a lovie to get scared even a shadow on the way if they are half asleep can be scary

03-22-2012, 08:43 AM
Thank you for all the mind easing replies. No frights since and they seem more settled each day. I suppose it's personal preference to cover, or not, at night. I leave Amor and Vida uncovered so they get some ambient light from street lighting.

03-22-2012, 09:46 AM
Glad to hear that all is going well with Amor and Vida! Once they are familiar with their new home, they will be more at ease with their surroundings. However, unexpected things can still frighten them so that ambient light is always a good thing. :)

03-22-2012, 10:55 AM
Thank you for all the mind easing replies. No frights since and they seem more settled each day. I suppose it's personal preference to cover, or not, at night. I leave Amor and Vida uncovered so they get some ambient light from street lighting.

That would probably depend on the birds too. If their cage was covered in their previous home the might prefer it. Ditto's cage has always been covered at night since he was a baby and he gets angry if I don't come over and cover it wen it's bedtime. Once the timer turns his light off he'll give me about a minute before he yells at me to come over and tuck him in.:whistle:

03-22-2012, 11:19 AM
Parrots seem to be creatures of habit and they will let you know very quickly if they want something! Ignore or put them off, and you will hear about that, too! Ginger (CAG) has an acrylic toy that she slams (yes, SLAMS) against the side of her cage if I don't open the door so she can come out fast enough when I get home from work! She goes in very willingly and she expects to be let out as soon as I enter the airspace after work!!

03-22-2012, 11:27 AM
Parrots seem to be creatures of habit and they will let you know very quickly if they want something! Ignore or put them off, and you will hear about that, too! Ginger (CAG) has an acrylic toy that she slams (yes, SLAMS) against the side of her cage if I don't open the door so she can come out fast enough when I get home from work! She goes in very willingly and she expects to be let out as soon as I enter the airspace after work!!

Ditto is like that too. As soon as I walk in the door he'll hop on to his food dish (I put his regular food in the upper holder when there's no veggies in there) and start his feed me dance. If it takes me too long to brush my teeth and change clothes he'll start tossing what's in the bowl to the bottom of the cage until it's empty and letting the whole neighborhood know it!

03-22-2012, 12:12 PM
They aren't hard to please as long as we do their bidding exactly as they want/expect us to!! :rotfl