View Full Version : Taming Mercer Bean!

03-25-2012, 09:25 AM
So I get Mercer Bean on the 21st. He's a five month old, hand fed, peach faced lovebird. I'm home basically all day (if I do leave it's never for more than 3 hours) and I basically spend all my time in my room with him. He really quickly was really good with me being around the cage. I'm always talking and singing to him. On day two he was already eating millet I would hold out to him. He's fine with me putting my hand all the way in the cage and is pretty okay with me stroking his chest, although he does always want to check it out by, you know, not biting but putting hid beak around me. He doesnt see me as a danger, I dont think. I taught him to step up onto a perch and the same day I taught him that he got out of his cage into my room! I was sitting with the door open, talking to him,, and very unexpectedly he flew out! He instantly went to the windows, trying to get out. Eventually I got him to step up onto his perch and put him back into his cage. He seemed fine with me still after that, he still lets me stroke him and feed him millet. But yesterday I started taking his cage into a birdie-proof bathroom, as was suggested to other people, and yesterday I did it twice. Both times he didn't come out. But this morning he did! He came out and fluttered around a little. I got him on his perch and talked to him and gave him millet. It just seems that he wants nothing to do with me though. I really want to be able to let him out into my room but I'm not comfortable doing that until he'll sit on me and trust me. I guess that's something that will only come with time but I'm worried because he wants to come out of his cage and I dont want him to feel trapped. I dunno, I guess I just want him to be as happy as possible. I feel like I'm taming him wrong. Am I doing something wrong? :confused: I love him to death and I want him to feel the same way... I want him to be my companion but I hear all these stories about how people buy birds and the bird ends up biting and hating their owner. I guess I'm just a worrier... Is it normal for lovebirds to try and get out of their cages? like, he bites at the bars sometimes trying to pry them open. And my other question is how do I get him to like my hands? I hold the millet in a way so that he can only get it if he gets on my hand but he never goes for it.

03-25-2012, 10:01 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!

As far as any parrot is concerned, trust has to be earned and they do it via experience. A couple of days is a very short time in terms of experience for them. Continue to do what you are doing and you will find that he will warm up to you more easily.

Many birds just don't like human hands. Since yours is 5 months old, chances are he's not been continually socialized so you have to build from where you are. Using a perch and a favorite treat is one way to turn the tables in your favor. Even then, he may never like human hands so try your arm or your hand curled up into a loose fist position. Try wearing long sleeves and see if that's more easily accepted. If you are going to let him come out of the cage on his own, for now you are going to have to limit where he can go. Giving him full access to all parts of the house is not a good idea until he gets used to his new home.

Parrots will usually bite when you try to do something that they don't want you to do or something that they are not ready to do at just that particular moment. If I want to socialize with one of my birds and the bird is resting, what I want could get a nip from my bird, as it doesn't want to be disturbed just then. Back off and try again a bit later. A trust relationship with any bird involves respect between bird and human. They are not like cats/dogs and understanding their reactions in many situations will go a long way to getting the kind of relationship you want.

Are his wings clipped? This is a very personal decision and it can be useful during the training period but none of us suggest it as mandatory. Even if flights are clipped, both wings should be done evenly and the bird should still have the ability to fly well enough to glide to the floor should it take off. Flight feather trimming is to limit flight, not eliminate it. :)

03-25-2012, 10:21 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!

As far as any parrot is concerned, trust has to be earned and they do it via experience. A couple of days is a very short time in terms of experience for them. Continue to do what you are doing and you will find that he will warm up to you more easily.

Many birds just don't like human hands. Since yours is 5 months old, chances are he's not been continually socialized so you have to build from where you are. Using a perch and a favorite treat is one way to turn the tables in your favor. Even then, he may never like human hands so try your arm or your hand curled up into a loose fist position. Try wearing long sleeves and see if that's more easily accepted. If you are going to let him come out of the cage on his own, for now you are going to have to limit where he can go. Giving him full access to all parts of the house is not a good idea until he gets used to his new home.

Parrots will usually bite when you try to do something that they don't want you to do or something that they are not ready to do at just that particular moment. If I want to socialize with one of my birds and the bird is resting, what I want could get a nip from my bird, as it doesn't want to be disturbed just then. Back off and try again a bit later. A trust relationship with any bird involves respect between bird and human. They are not like cats/dogs and understanding their reactions in many situations will go a long way to getting the kind of relationship you want.

Are his wings clipped? This is a very personal decision and it can be useful during the training period but none of us suggest it as mandatory. Even if flights are clipped, both wings should be done evenly and the bird should still have the ability to fly well enough to glide to the floor should it take off. Flight feather trimming is to limit flight, not eliminate it. :)

yes, the wings are clipped. And I'm surely not letting it free roam of the house any time soon, that's why I'm starting with just a birdie-proofed bathroom. It hasn't ever bit me, and it's very gentle, even with it's toys. It does like talking to me though, so I guess thats good.

03-25-2012, 10:29 AM
Lovebirds are very social and need/want interaction. Just be patient and continue what you are doing. Love, kindness and patience will reap huge rewards!

03-25-2012, 04:27 PM
So even though it came out of its cage this morning, it hasnt since. Ive brought it to the birdie-proofed room any time it starts getting active so it can get exercise. It just sits there now. Could it be because the room scare it?

03-25-2012, 06:56 PM
The room is unfamiliar and you are seeing the reaction to it. New environment/strange place. Very typical behavior......