View Full Version : Can't get bird to step up onto perch

03-28-2012, 05:15 PM
So I really want to start hand taming my bird but that really won't work until he gets out of his cage, from the distraction, and onto the t-stand so we can do some real work. However, he refuses to step up. The first few times i tried he did it, and i rewarded him greatly with praise and millet. But now he refuses to. He just sits there everytime i put the perch to his feet, and even if i gently push on his lower abdomen, nothing. If anything he gets off his swig to the cage wall. I have no idea how to get him out of the cage without him getting onto a perch or my finger (which wont work, hes wary of hands still). I dont want to grab him, because it decreases trust, and i dont want to just let him out either... *sigh*

03-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Hi. .. Your previous thread indicates you've only had him for about 7 days. .. Your new lovebird may still be wary about his new surroundings. .. You may want to start over by socializing him for another week or so, then afterwards, see if he'll be confident enough to step up. .. Seeing how he's also been clipped already, I wouldn't hesitate to let him come out on his own. If he does, that could offer you more of an opportunity to get him to accept your advances. .. Be sure the room is quiet, and if possible, offer up a treat like millet. ..... Keep us posted. ...........:)

03-29-2012, 08:51 AM
I have been letting him out on his own, but it doesnt go well usually. He usually flies into a wall or something... Its very concerning. I bring him to the small safe room 2 times a day, he comes out sometimes. Its weird though because he'll step up outside the cage but not inside it. He's good about goin back to his cage though. I just say "up", get him on the perch and put him back in. He always seems thrilled to be out of his cage, which is nice. And he does gravitate towards me when he's out of it, which is good.

04-08-2012, 02:54 PM
It takes patience. I had my female lovebird for almost a month now and in the beginning she was really frightened of me but everyday I spent some quality time with her by the side of the cage by talking to her in a nice calming voice and signing. Remember that its not going to be on your term but on your lovebird terms. He has to know that he can trust you first before stepping up or even coming out his cage. But don"t be discouraged, it can be done. Just keep a positive attitude and continue doing what you"re doing. In no time, you"ll have your lovie in the palm of your hands.

Me and Coco