View Full Version : Could it be?

04-06-2012, 08:18 AM
Well, yesterday, for the first time in ages, I was able to let Jitterbug out to play on his cagetop, and he behaved! He hopped back and forth between his cage top and the keets cage top, and he was nice to the keets...he and Norbie preened each other, and Jitterbug was able to mind his manners. He didnt fly off the cage at all in pursuit of stuffed animals, and he didnt chase the budgies around. He played, preened, ate and behaved....this lasted about 30 minutes before I put him back...just to be sure we would end on a high note. I will try again today and hope we get the same results. Could Jitterbug be getting over his hormonal spell, and returning to his "normal" self? I sure hope so!! We'll see what happens today...

04-06-2012, 08:34 AM
Hi Judi,
I guarded say yes, it could very well be, as hormones are not in control 100% of the time. If you've made changes, such as the foraging suggestion, you could easily be seeing the results. All you can do is wait, see and pray the change is here to stay, at least for now! :)

This update makes me very happy!

04-06-2012, 01:01 PM
Thanks Linda. Im thrilled to report, he has been equally well behaved today! out time went great...no biting, no chasing other birds, no going after the stuffed animals...good boy! :clap I havent even begun the foraging stuff yet...I ordered a few foraging toys and they havent come yet...and I just havent had a chance to make my own foraging stations yet, so Im not sure what is the cause of this behavior change, but...Im so happy he is acting "normal" again, at least for now. I really really hope this lasts...its SO good to have Jitterbug back!! :happy:

04-06-2012, 04:02 PM
yay!!!! you can use a plain brown lunch bag and put in a bottle cap and some snacks as a forageing toy my fids like that i tie the top close with twine and hang it and they chew through and get the goodies and shred the bag XD

04-06-2012, 04:08 PM
Thats a great idea! I also thought maybe I'd use a part of an opened egg carton, and cover it with thin paper, for him to bust through and get the toys and treats in the little egg cups....I think he'll like these ideas. I gotta get TO it!!

04-06-2012, 06:11 PM
Yay! Good news.

Pips mom
04-06-2012, 07:14 PM
Awwww! This great news! Somehow I knew he would calm down eventually. At least now you can be aware and know that this phase will pass come next spring!! It makes it easier to deal with when you know it's just a passing phase. I deal with this with Ivy's screaming. She screams when she's hormonal and I know it because all of a sudden one day I'll notice.........Ivy didn't scream today.........or yesterday, or the day before??
I hope Jitterbug continues to behave, but it's a good sign even if he doesn't behave every single day.........at least the hormones are probably taking a break now! It's great that he can spend time with his birdie friends again!

04-06-2012, 07:43 PM
Thanks everyone. It is SO nice to have him acting like a civilized birdie again...SO nice. I hope it lasts, but as you say Kim, even if it doesnt, we really needed this reminder of what a nice little birdie he CAN be, and it is so helpful to know that he wont always be in 'monster mode' if he goes that way again. :lol

04-06-2012, 08:11 PM
I think the worst is over, at least for now. While it's not Jitterbug's fault, biting and aggression are not pleasant but at least you understand why and can deal with it. Foraging may help somewhat next time.

04-07-2012, 04:58 AM
Thanks Linda. I still plan to set up the foraging activities, and maybe we can avoid a relapse of this yucky behavior. LOL I bought some wooden foraging blocks with lots of holes and ridges in them, that you can stuff food and toys into....the bird has to figure out how to get the stuff out. I also want to do the paper bag thing, and the egg carton thing. I'll let you know how he likes them...Im hoping to have time to work on that this weekend. I really hope you're right about the worst being over, for now. He is being so good now...ahhhh...what a nice, nice change. :)

04-07-2012, 03:19 PM
Welcome back sweet Jitterbug! :happy:

I'm glad Ditto doesn't get mean when his hormones kick up. Just feeds toys.

04-16-2012, 08:42 AM
Wonderful Judi! It just dawned on me yesterday that Sunny has been really great lately. He's actually not doing the "clicky dance"! he is just SO sweet.

So foraging is supposed to help with the hormonal behavior somehow? I guess I missed something.

04-16-2012, 08:46 AM
So foraging is supposed to help with the hormonal behavior somehow? I guess I missed something.
It keeps them busy so they have less time to allow the hormones to take control. In the wild, what triggers breeding/hormonal behavior is the availability of food. If they don't feel that there's enough food to feed babies, they won't breed.

04-16-2012, 09:07 AM
So are you saying that making them forage for all of their food will make them think there isn't enough food for breeding?