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Rachael and Peek-a-boo
04-07-2012, 03:30 PM
Peek-a-boo has officially learned how to say his name we are so proud of him. Since we got him home me my sister and my mother have all been saying "peek-a-boo" to him non stop. Well it payed of he sits on his perch in front of the window and says "peek-a-boo" followed by a cackle of praise to himself for being so smart (he is starting to say good job but isent quit there yet). The most amusing thing is how many different ways he can say it, high pitched, low pitched, holding the "peek" or holding the "a" we attribute this to the fact that three different people taught him how to say it. I am so proud of my little lovie now all I have to do is teach him that Peek-a-boo is his name not mine XD

04-08-2012, 07:37 AM
That lovebirds aren't typically known to mimmick our speech, I think its amazing we're finding more and more of them actually are each day. .. Peek-a-boo? .. Now thats a pretty talented lovebird! ........;)

Rachael and Peek-a-boo
04-08-2012, 09:39 AM
I think that people belive lovebirds can't talk purely becuase they don't sound as clear as an African grey or any larger parrot. Lovebirds say there words very high pitch.

04-08-2012, 11:30 AM
Most parrots have the ability to talk. Some will; others won't. Lovebird speech isn't as clear but they certainly CAN mimic (don't know that that's even a good descriptive word...) human speech. Ginger, my CAG, can duplicate many sounds with absolute perfection but doesn't speak word one!

Rachael and Peek-a-boo
04-08-2012, 12:58 PM
That is what peek-a-boo dose mimic. He mostly mimics the notes when you say peek-a-boo but is clear enough that anyone can tell what he is saying.