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10-09-2005, 09:11 PM
I still can't feed Ditto from my fingers. He'll bite my fingers like a madbirdy if I hold food for him. He'll eat out of the palm of my hand no problem. I guess I'll have to work on that.

Otherwise he's the snuggliest birdy I've ever seen. :)

10-09-2005, 09:40 PM

Was Ditto handfed? Just wondering cause Bela was and I can't feed him from my fingers either, flat palm is alright, but not fingers. Lacey on the other hand, eats just fine from my fingers and she was parent raised.

10-09-2005, 09:45 PM
Yep. He was handfed.

He won't even let me clean the crumbs off the couch when he has a snack. He's gotta go nibble them up himself.

10-09-2005, 10:05 PM
Try dipping your finger into water and then stick them into some seeds so they stick to your finger (or anyother food he likes such as crumbs etc)
My lovebirds has always stopped biting when they taste something on my fingers. they have a shocked look on their face when they see it's not flesh.

just a thought :)

10-09-2005, 11:16 PM
Try dipping your finger into water and then stick them into some seeds so they stick to your finger (or anyother food he likes such as crumbs etc)
My lovebirds has always stopped biting when they taste something on my fingers. they have a shocked look on their face when they see it's not flesh.

just a thought :)

He will lick water off my fingers and normally won't bite them, only if they're holding food. I might have to try your trick.

He used to bite fingers when he came here. Barb (his former owner) would always yell ouch and make a big deal of getting bit. Of course that only encouraged him to do it again. I just ignored him when he did it and when he didn't get the reaction he wanted he stopped. I read on here afterward that that it the best method to stop it so I guess I did good on my own. :p

Now if only I could get him to stop putting down feathers up my nose and tickling my face with the larger feathers he loses I'd be in good shape. :lol

10-10-2005, 09:04 PM
I must have the only hand-fed lovies who eats from my fingers :p Molly & Daisy usually eat their veggies only if I feed them with my fingers. Can you say SPOILED?!? I know, I know, but...(snicker, snicker)

10-12-2005, 01:17 PM
Hey everybody, it's Ditto here.

I need you all to help me with a little problem I am having with my daddy, Dave. You might know him as a real good lovie daddy, and he is.

Thing is, he don't seem to understand that I don't like to eat my foodstuffs out of his fingers. Good Lord knows where them fingers has been, and I don't want to catch me a people's germ. People's these days is always talkin' bout avian flu and stuff, like a little birdie's germs could hurt a big person, but no one seems to be talking about people's germ hurting little birdies. And you just gotta know that a people's germ is probably bigger and meaner than a birdie germ, and Lord only knows where these germs hide. They could very well be hid real good under them fingernails... in fact I am pretty sure I saw a few of them under there one day not too long ago, and I think they was breeding or something and making even more of themselves... and I am 'fraid they will hop out and bite me, or worse still, that they will hop onto my foodsnacks and get right into my tummy and make me so sick I won't even want foodsnacks at all. Don't get me started on how sick I think a people's germ would make a little birdie, and I am not being a hip-no-con-drack or nothin', I is really scared, and stories like this should be covered in the people's news, not just stories about birdie germs hurting peoples.

Anyway, when my daddy feeds me with his fingers, a place we all know germs would be very happy to live, I try to bite them off his fingers. Oh yeah, sometimes I get me a piece of flesh and a bit of blood in the bargain, but you can't be too gentle with a people's germ, especially if you are truly afraid, and I don't mind saying that I am. How on earth can I get my daddy to understand that there are bad things on them fingertips of his, without hurting his feelings? He is a real cuddly daddy, and I just love him to bitsies, but them fingers close to my foodsnacks has got to end. Does anyone have any advice for a little birdie that loves his daddy but don't want to get sick from people's germs?

Thank you so much.

10-12-2005, 01:35 PM
Dave.....I loved Elle's suggestion.....let us know how Ditto reacts when you do it?.....my first tiel would bite when you'd try to get her to step up and so I would put a cracker between my fingers and she would bite it instead of me, but of course you have to be careful of the salt content in crackers.

10-12-2005, 01:40 PM
Hey Ditto,

George here. These darn humans just don't get it about fingers and germs do they? The only thing those fingers are good for is itchy and rubbing pin feathers. I hate fingers too but that woman with the bird poop on her shirt insists upon touching me and flipping me over and checking my under-side. She calls me Humper when she does it too, I don't know why, she named me George when I first came to live with these humans, but she calls me humper now.
Anyway, a couple of suggestions to keep the germy fingers away. I know you like stuffing feathers up that male humans nose, so next time, stuff it waaaaaaaaaaayy up and give him a few short loud chirps and he might get the idea. Or if you like I can send my mate Weesy over and she's really good at killing fingers. Get yourself a girl Ditto...she'll know exactly how to keep fingers away....just ask our friend George from Michigan, he's got a girl that'll take care of business. ;)

Good luck!

10-12-2005, 02:10 PM
Ditto! Get off the computer. You know you're not supposed to be there when I'm not around. You'd better not be looking at birdy porn. I swear if I see www.plucked-chicken.com in the browser history when I get home you're not getting any millet! >:

And you ain't afraid of any finger germs 'cause you lick and nibble on my fingers all the time. you're just being a twit! :rofl:

10-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Ditto! Get off the computer. You know you're not supposed to be there when I'm not around. You'd better not be looking at birdy porn. I swear if I see www.plucked-chicken.com in the browser history when I get home you're not getting any millet! >:

And you ain't afraid of any finger germs 'cause you lick and nibble on my fingers all the time. you're just being a twit! :rofl:

okay, how many of you clicked on the link?? :rofl:

10-12-2005, 05:41 PM
okay, how many of you clicked on the link?? :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-12-2005, 05:47 PM
<raises hand> :rofl:

10-12-2005, 06:02 PM
Not Me :whistle: :whistle:

10-12-2005, 06:09 PM
Not Me :whistle: :whistle:

We have a couple of sicko's here. Looking at bird porn. :rofl:

10-12-2005, 06:26 PM
It wasn't me, it was George. :wink:

10-12-2005, 09:28 PM
I have enough funky birdy action going on in my house to make any unsuspecting visitor blush :rofl:

10-13-2005, 12:33 PM
Hey Ditto,

I know what you means about them fingers. Our Mommie is always washing her hands before she touches anything that might go in our beaks. Think she goes a bit overboard though but she's only thinking about our safety. One thing she does that we don't like so much is that she doesn't talk to us much when she's cleaning our cages anymore. She's scared that she might get some saliva onto us or our food by accident. We don't think she would but we're not sure just how much of this saliva stuff might be dangerous to us. She's always been what they call over-cautious so maybe someone's Mommie on here might know how much is needed to make us ill. We'd sure like her to talk and sing with us again if its OK.

Your daddy seems like a great daddy and we're sure that he would have washed his hands before giving you your food as he sure does love you.

Wing flaps to you



Hi Ruthie! yellow wing flaps right back at 'ya! You're a cuite. rather mysterious looking with that black mask and all. I love a mystery.

My daddy always washes his hands before I come out to play. gotta have clean fingers for me to nibble on. And he talks to me all the time. Even when he's at his computer and I'm playing in the cage. And when he leaves the room he talks to me even louder so I know where he is and that a lion didn't eat him. He knows I worry when I can't see him.

I even call out to him when he turns on to the street in his car cause it sounds like there's a lion roaring right behind him. But then I remember that his car roars like a lion so I'm all happy again cause I know it's playtime. :cool:

I gotta go, got some websurfing to do before he gets home.


10-13-2005, 02:23 PM

You really need you to fix that link. Bela REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY needs it ;) He was clicking, and clicking and clicking, then Lacey started clicking, and then.......... NUTHIN!!!!! Lacey says PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE can ya fix the link so Bela can learn a little sumptin bout sumptin ;)

10-13-2005, 07:09 PM

You really need you to fix that link. Bela REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY needs it ;) He was clicking, and clicking and clicking, then Lacey started clicking, and then.......... NUTHIN!!!!! Lacey says PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE can ya fix the link so Bela can learn a little sumptin bout sumptin ;)

I think there are laws against that sort of thing. :rofl:

Slight bit of progress on the food front. I held a piece of brocoli through the cage bars last night and he sat on his boing and nibbled it. Usually he'll just yell and snatch it out of my fingers. Maybe I'll take some brocoli to the couch for tv time tonight.

10-13-2005, 08:08 PM
Success! He ate the brocoli, not my fingers. :rofl:

Now he's eating my keyboard. :eek:

Buy A Paper Doll
10-13-2005, 09:54 PM
"I know what you means about them fingers. Our Mommie is always washing her hands before she touches anything that might go in our beaks. Think she goes a bit overboard though but she's only thinking about our safety. One thing she does that we don't like so much is that she doesn't talk to us much when she's cleaning our cages anymore. She's scared that she might get some saliva onto us or our food by accident. We don't think she would but we're not sure just how much of this saliva stuff might be dangerous to us. She's always been what they call over-cautious so maybe someone's Mommie on here might know how much is needed to make us ill. We'd sure like her to talk and sing with us again if its OK."

Hey Ruthie,

I think it's OK for your momma to talk and sing to you when she's cleaning your cage. I think just singing and talking are safe. I like it when our momma sings to us. I like to stand right on her shoulder when she sings 'cause it sounds so funny.

Wing flaps,

10-13-2005, 09:59 PM
I think it's OK for your momma to talk and sing to you when she's cleaning your cage. I think just singing and talking are safe. I like it when our momma sings to us. I like to stand right on her shoulder when she sings 'cause it sounds so funny.

I like to stand on daddy's shoulder when he's got country music on so I can sing and dance. Of course dancing on the boing is cool too cause I can really get that bell at the bottom ringing away!

Oh and don't let daddy's last post make you think I've forgotten about biting those food holding fingers. I'm just letting him think I'm a good birdy and then I'm gonna get him good! :evil:

Ditto the little angel bird! I really am an angel, I gots wings and all!