View Full Version : Had to share this..

04-16-2012, 10:34 AM
So I have told you guys I took Jewel in as a rescue. The woman she belonged to gave her to a pet store a friend Of mine works at. He asked me to take her because the store didnt want to resell her. The woman asked for my number so she could Check on her From time to time. I agreed, being a pet owner I understand. She called twice over the last few months and I told her she was fine and ajusting well ...yada yada. She called me yesterday, talked for a bit and then asked.if.I would consider giving her the bird back. I said No of coarse, but I do feel bad for her. She lost her apartment and couldnt keep her. She didnt care for her very well and I would feel bad for sending Jewel back to her. Thoughts????

Pips mom
04-16-2012, 11:10 AM
What you learn over the years as you get older is that you have to do what you feel is right, and never give in because you feel bad for what someone is going through. Everyone goes through bad times in life. She had to give up her bird and she loves this bird, BUT, how could you ever give back a bird to a home that you feel didn't care for her very well? If it was me, I'd tell her that you're attached to this bird now and can't give her back, BUT, I'd probably offer to let her visit from time to time or maybe let her take Jewel when you go on vacations. It's ok to feel bad for her, be nice and do what you can do to make feel better about the situation. Show her how good Jewel has it now with you. Why did she lose her apartment? and did she get it back now? if so, what if she loses it again? I'd think it's better for this bird to be in a more stable home! I don't like it that she dropped the bird at a pet store........if I ever had to find a home for my birds, I'd do WAY better than giving them to a pet store! I mean........she didn't even care enough to know where this bird would end up......although she did find out, there's a chance that she may not ever know where her bird went. I don't think that's a sign of a caring pet owner.
Don't give into feeling bad for someone.......KEEP that bird!

04-16-2012, 11:21 AM
When I give something away, it is no longer mine, so I have nothing to say about what the next owner does.

Jewel is now yours.

Do you want to give her away? Is her former home a place you would want her to live if she had been yours all along and you were rehoming her?

It also sounds as if you have already decided anyway, since you told her "no".

04-16-2012, 03:55 PM
It will just kill me. I adore this lil bird. She is so much healthier then 2 months ago. I just felt so bad for telling her no. She is MY baby now lol. Even if she is all hormonal and bipolar right now. :rotfl

04-16-2012, 04:37 PM
If this woman had possibly wanted Jewel back, that should have been stated right up front in the beginning. Situations change and Jewel could have been placed as a foster. However, she gave up all rights when Jewel was given to you, no strings attached, nothing in writing. You are under no obligation to return Jewel and I wouldn't. She's yours, period.