View Full Version : I'm going insane!!!!!

04-16-2012, 06:13 PM
I had my female lovebird for almost 2 months now and she was able to trust me farely quickly. She doesn't bite, very friendly and she's quite the little character.

But oh man can she ever drive me up the wall with her signing. I love her dearly but she doesn't shut up! I would like to have a little quiet time once in a while. I even put a blanky over her cage but that didn't stop her either. It's not 7:12pm and she's still going on strong.

I called her name numerous time stop and be quiet. She stops chatting for 10 seconds and then starts right back on with her signing and happy chatter.

Any advice. Is your bird as chatty as mine :S It's driving me banana's !!!

04-16-2012, 07:01 PM
Lovebirds are very loud birds. It is not easy to make them be quiet when you want. Mabe move them or yourself to another room.

04-16-2012, 08:31 PM
Also keep in mind, your responding to her numerous times is only perpetuating her "contact calls". .. The more you respond, the more she will likely continue to seek out your attention. .. While moving her to another location may help, make sure its a quieter one that doesn't include your response. .. Indeed, lovebirds can be a might bit noisy! .......:)

04-16-2012, 09:31 PM
when awake all my lovebirds chirp pretty constant even when they sleep they beak grind and my hen snores! :omg:

04-17-2012, 05:15 AM
Mine both chatter away in their sleep...it's so cute. But at night as soon as I put their snuggly bed into their cage they go back into the cage, hop into bed and they're quiet for the night. Such well behaved little guys. During the day they are very loud, but I like their noise.

Pips mom
04-18-2012, 09:03 AM
I'm pretty lucky with Pip........he's always been a fairly quiet lovebird. He has his moments when he gets noisey, but mostly it's in response to my other birds. I can always tell when something's up when I hear him yelling.........he does this when he senses that Ivy is scared of something. Also.......they tend to respond to other birds, even outside birds. Maybe she's hearing another bird outside and calling back? A change of location when you need some quiet time might be worth a try!

04-19-2012, 04:21 AM
My two are usually kept in another room - it lets them have a full nights rest without being disturbed by me. The seperate room also allows me to escape the occasional loud noise they can make. Two are very vocal when they each decide to 'shout' at the same time. Overall I love the noise they make :-)

You could try another room (if available) but then your lovebird may make more noise if your lovebird starts calling out for you! A new environment may quieten things down but it is likely to be only temporary and your lovebird is happier with your company.