View Full Version : Obsession

04-20-2012, 10:59 AM
I am new here and just recently got my first lovie! :) Popcorn is his (haven't DNA tested) name and he is sassy as ever! :)I think he is around 3 months old and has already taken my heart :P
So, a few questions. He seems obsessed with the TV. He will climb up all the cords in the back and just sit and yell at the TV. Sometimes he even comes around the front and yell at the front of it. I'm thinking he just likes the warmth and the noise? Just making sure it's normal(ish) :)
Also! I took his mirror out because I have read many places that it can be easy for a lovebird to bond to their mirror, I'm just curious as to everyone's opinion on this. Thank you so much in advance.

"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings." - William Blake

04-20-2012, 11:53 AM
Welcome to the community and congratulations on your new baby! What type do you have? A Peachface, Fischers, etc? What a joy they are! I’m only a novice too. My first lovie adopted me 11 mos ago and now I’m a slave to 3 of them. They are my fids (feathered kids) for sure!

This is a wonderful place for resources with a great variety of expertise and situations and answers. Right now many are having babies so I’m kinda logged in all day waiting to see everyone’s baby pics :D

My Fischers likes to watch and talk to the tv also. They are very social creatures and love voices and noise. I’ve read that many people leave a tv or radio on when they are gone for long periods during the day. When my babies were a couple to a few months old, I had a tendency to let them do what made them happy. Including hanging on cords (mostly my computer cord). As they got a little older, they discovered the cord was fun to chew on. I was terrified and then had to break the habit. I read horror stories of people who lost their lovies by electrocution :( So sad.

I, too, had a mirror, but removed it much earlier on. They can definitely bond to it. But worse than that, so many mirrors are not so wonderfully constructed. My baby got her toe caught in it. We were both traumatized. She had a little blood loss, but her toe is fine. No more mirrors for me. I’ve learned a few lessons the hard way. Thankfully, without heartbreak.

You’ll have to post a picture or an avatar with your baby. I just love drooling over all our babies :happy: Have fun!!!

04-20-2012, 01:33 PM
Congratulations on making a commitment to become a loving slave to 50 grams of feathers. It can be quite a process and we are all here to help you learn the ropes! :)

I agree that mirrors are not appropriate for lovebirds because they may not distinguish between what's real and a reflection. If it's not there, there can be no bond formed. I tend to keep all my parrots away from electronics and anything with an electric cord. Parrots chew and we need to be careful what we allow them to have access to. :) One thing you will find. Noise begets more noise. Mine are usually quiet when the noise level goes down.

04-22-2012, 01:52 AM
popcorn: Hello. I hope little Popcorn and you have a long and great time together.

My two respond to flamenco music and they love chanquetefm http://www.chanquetefm.com/radio.html Also, they sort of stare when I'm playing my flamenco guitar too but always start making a noise as soon as I wish to record something :-) If I'm going away from home for more than a couple of hours I usually leave the radio on for them.

04-22-2012, 04:32 PM
Thank everyone so much! He is becoming quite the handful. I just bought a spray bottle for his new little biting habit -_-