View Full Version : New lovebird and taming

04-23-2012, 09:15 PM

I am new to birds and got my lil Petrie on Sunday April 15 so I've had him for a little over a week. He is 3 months old and is a boy (had a DNA test done). I just have a few questions on taming him, sorry If I'm repeating any questions that were already asked in the forum. So Petrie was hand fed and handled daily by his breeder. I sit by his cage every day talking to him and eating in front of him. Since I have had him he chirps to me (especially when i leave the room) but will not let me put his hand near him which I expected would happen. When I go to get him out of the cage he runs around like crazy and I have to grab him. When he is out of the cage I let him roam around the birdie proof room but he usually stays far from me. He will occasionally land right behind me on the couch or on my computer but won't stay there longer than 3 minutes.

Yesterday instead of grabbing him to pull him out of the cage I will just open the cage and let him come out on his own. After about 5 minutes he comes out and just plays around. This makes me feel better because he is coming out on his own terms and I'm not forcing him. However I am now worried because I've been trying to feed him millet while he is in his cages and he has now started biting me. The breeder told me that he has never bit her so this makes me feel like he really doesn't like me lol. I mean I guess that it is good that I am now able to get my hand close to him and have him bite instead of him running from my hands when they get too close? I'm just wondering if I am doing everything right or if I should change how I am approaching him? I know time and patience is the key but I just want to make sure I'm making the proper steps and not doing damage in the process.

Sorry that this is so long lol. I just want to make sure Petrie and I form a long lasting bond. Thank you for your help! :happy:

04-23-2012, 09:41 PM
It is called beaking since lovebirds dont have hands they explore thing by beaking and tasteing them, textures etc, now if he bites ignore him if he bites to hard try to distract him or gently grab his beak and give a firm no.
Keep in mind any reaction even a bad one is rewarding for a parrot as it draws attention.
Like you said patience is key and i am sure he is just exploreing your hands. oh and be glad you got a male hens can be a handfull XD

04-24-2012, 09:22 AM
Thank you for your help! The first time I know he was beaking me because it wasn't hard at all but now I think he is biting because he bites down pretty hard. Would you say that this may be improvement though, since I'm now able to get my hand near him without him running away?

Thanks again!