View Full Version : Not too sure if my lovies like me very much

05-02-2012, 04:45 AM
Hello, I am pretty new to owning a pair of lovies, peach-faced ones (affectionately called Sunny and Mango :)) and I'm pretty unsure as to whether they actually like me or not. Silly to think this way I know but today I had somewhere to be and I had to leave my little babies home alone, when I came home I took them out of their cage and they bit down on my arm very hard... I have only had them for a week and they are both hand-raised, they haven't bitten me very hard at all till today. I was just wondering if my leaving them home alone had upset them enough to make them bite me?

Also, I worry that I don't spend enough time 'bonding' with them, even though I spend quite a large chunk of my days with them just sitting/sleeping/cuddling on me. They seem to prefer being together at times and it just makes me think that maybe I don't do enough with them to make them feel comfortable with me?

I'm probably just worrying for nothing but I just can't help myself, I want my babies to love me...

05-02-2012, 07:01 AM
jacinta: Hello. A week is so little time considering how long are likely to live. Give Sunny and Mango more time to get used to you. It maybe more difficult for two birds to make a fully loving bond with you but let's hope that, in time, they get much 'closer' to you.

It took my two, Amor and Vida, several weeks just to be comfortable with my hand in their home without being frightened and squealing as though I was about to eat them :-)

I'm a newish lovebird owner and I've found this forum to be a great help.

Pips mom
05-02-2012, 07:47 PM
Don't worry about the biting! Sometimes I wonder if Pip's biting is somehow his lil lovie way of showing affection! He flies around sometimes looking for me and always wants to be on me and see what I'm doing, but he'll still bite sometimes! From what I can see, it's just what lovies do.......they just bite sometimes, and I don't know why, but the biting does lessen with time and as they get older and once you become close with them, you'll start to cave and forgive real quick for the bites! Lovies are just such cute little stinkers! at least I don't get bites in the face anymore! :roll:

05-02-2012, 08:50 PM
I think maybe I'm just being a tad paranoid, I haven't taken into account that they're not entirely used to me or their new home yet and that it takes time to build a relationship of trust. I feel silly now, but it's good to have input from others, thank you so much for you replies :)