View Full Version : Making a nest

05-09-2012, 08:59 PM
So Chip & Dale have a new habit and i dont know if its normal/should I be concerned.

I line their cage with newspaper and they have been finding a way under the layers of paper and stripping the paper into little strips and .. I guess making a nest? For the past few weeks anything that can be ripped is being stripped and taken to the cage. To the extent that they dont even care if they're let out of the cage anymore.

Anyone else's birds doing this?

05-09-2012, 11:39 PM
I find anytime i put newspaper on the floor (and not under the grate) no matter WHAT season it is, they LOVE to shred and hide under it. Ive had 3 females (currently to 2) and they all did it. The male likes to help and hide, but hes not as much as a shredder as the females are.

05-10-2012, 05:51 AM
It's the basic nature of parrots to chew and since lovebirds are small parrots, this is one of their favorite pass times! Have you considered creating a foraging basket for them (non shreddable) and putting in items that can be eaten (once they are found) and other things they can play with/chew up? In the wild, parrots spend most of their day foraging for food and many pet owners have found that keeping busy beaks actually busy can tend to keep them out of trouble. I, myself, only use wooden, chewable perches. Yes, I replace a lot but at least I'm controlling what they can destroy!