View Full Version : I seriously need help with taming my female/male Psittacidae Blue Masked Lovebird

05-15-2012, 12:29 AM
Ok, my problem is that I purchase my Psittacidae Blue Masked Lovebird when she/he was 1month and 4 days and now she/he is 2 months and 11 days as of now...it does not let me touch him/her because when I reach my hand in the cage it begin to get wild, fly like crazy and what not...I even followed the steps in order to tame my bird...Another thing is that whenever I talk to it, it tends to get scard and goes to the nearest corner which is werid because since I had to hand feed and spend my time taking care of it when it was a baby it should not be scard of me...
So what I did was I decided to let my younger brother 4 months lovebird into my cage with my lovebird and spent some time with it...and then put my brother's bird back...been doing this for 3 weeks now...in order to get my bird to relax when I want to touch/play with it but she/he does not listen to me unlike my younger brother's male lovebird which is already tame by him...He does listen to us like crazy and what not but not my Psittacidae Blue Masked Lovebird...what am I doing wrong or what should I improve?

05-15-2012, 06:26 AM
In the grand scheme of things, this is a short period of time for taming- however and this is going to sound contradictory- it can take only a short period of time for a young bird to go wild again. Ask one of my shy baby parrotlets who I raised with my own hands. I got caught up with personal things and with the rest of the flock, she is a shy and well-behaved healthy bird, and now she is very wild and I am having to tame her all over again. She went wild in a surprisingly short period of time.

What I do with her is allow her to come out on her own. She flies away when my hands get near her too and she flies away when I talk to her. Yes this bird that I fed and cuddled since she was old enough to pick up. This little bird that I preened her first feathers. It is not surprising to me, though. I know I let this happen. With you, it may a quirk in the personality of your bird, or something you're doing you don't even realize he doesn't like. You are watching a similar situation (your brother's lovebird) for cues and hoping to emulate this for success, but unfortunately, not all birds are alike and you may be back at square one. This is ok. Your bird is yet young, and already has some trust toward you, though that may not be showing right now.

I still talk to my little shy friend, even if she flies and let her come out to me, which took some time for her to do but eventually, she comes. Clipped wings help and increase safety during as time when they are flighty, if that is something you feel comfortable doing. If you do not know how/feel comfortable doing the clip yourself, a breeder vet or shop may be able to help. I give treats for improvement in behavior. I encourage her to be on my person and touch her if she'll let me but I don't push it. This little one actually likes being touched, and scritched around the head though her much friendlier brother and sisters do not like much more than a beak rub. I let them form their own boundaries and try to press them a little sometimes, but always I take the cues they give me. I have two very friendly lovebirds, one that likes to snuggle (he will sit on a person and snuggle next to their skin or in their clothes) and one that does not but neither wish to be touched around the head, but both give kisses. The other will step up and preen me or my family, but he is less touchy-feely.

Eating with the flock is a good thing and sharing food they can eat is better. You may have heard all of this before- go at your own and your birds' own pace. Trust me, just because another bird close to the same age and gotten at the same time is taming down, doesn't mean yours will. My two were born of the same parents from the same clutch and one took much longer to tame and get comfortable here, but I am very very happy I took the time- and so is Odie!

Sorry for the wall of text-- I hope some of it may help. I do have a question-- is your brother's lovebird the same species?

05-15-2012, 07:04 AM
I don't mind the text wall because I am still new to the lovebird environment...it's important for me to learn as much as possible...Thank you for the advises and I will try my best to do what's right for my lovebird...By the way, my younger brother's lovebird is a mutation from the peach faced family crossed with the lutino peach faced family...So basically, it has a red/peach face with a greenish body and as for the tail it's green but in the middle section of it, it has a flame color...