View Full Version : Timid little baby

05-17-2012, 12:35 AM
Hello, it's been a few weeks since I posted here and things have been looking up in terms of my building a relationship with my two feathered comrades. However, I am slightly worried, Sunny seems to be very timid and does not like being petted or stroked in the slightest. I can barely touch her without her squirming out of my grasp. Mango on the other hand, he can't get enough of me, he loves being petted, having his belly and head feathers stroked and he often climbs up onto my finger (which he then let's me rub his little feet, gently of course).

I feel as though I am doing something wrong in terms of building a relationship with Sunny, but it's just so hard when she doesn't seem to want to be touched at all and I want to respect her wishes but I don't want to neglect her entirely though. (Both my lovies are hand raised, thought I should add that)

What should I do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

05-17-2012, 03:55 AM
How old is Sunny? Could be that her attention is on exploring rather than socializing but her age will help me give you my best thoughts on what might be going on and how to handle it.

05-17-2012, 07:39 PM
Hi Linda, I'm not exactly sure how old Sunny is but she is young enough that she has not had her first moult yet but old enough that she can eat on her own and has all her feathers. I'm thinking between 10-12 weeks but I could be wrong, I never asked the breeder when I picked them up...

05-18-2012, 11:15 AM
Each bird is different and not all will like the same things. Some of mine love to be picked up and held, while others prefer me to be hands off. Those prefer to just hang out with me rather than get into physical interaction. That doesn't mean that they are getting less attention because they are not. It's just a different kind of attention and it's what THEY want. I'm OK with that, as I have a lot that love being up close and personal. Ginger, my infamous CAG, is strictly a touch me not. She will follow me all over the house and interact with me all day long, just as long as it's hands off! It may be a matter of accepting Sunny as is and seeing where the relationship goes.