View Full Version : What can I do? He is not interested in interacting suddently

Bernadette N
06-02-2012, 11:04 PM
Hi everyone, we've had a few wins with Beaker, he was willingly stepping up and cuddling with us. But suddenly he is not interested in anything! He wont leave his cage, won't step up and is ignoring us. What have we done wrong? We spend time with him, talk to him and feed hi. His favorite treats. We are very disappointed with this sudden setback. The only difference now is is has started his molt. Any suggestions?

Pips mom
06-03-2012, 01:04 AM
Don't be disappointed! Just give him the time and space that he needs.....he'll come around! I think people want so much to be able to have what they think is an ideal relationship with their bird, and they always want it NOW or they think something is wrong.........the thing is, this takes time. Nothing is wrong. People think of their birds in terms of how humans would behave, when birds are VERY different from us humans! They have totally different ways of seeing things and how they feel about them. It's really hard to understand them at times, but if you just sit back and allow him to take things at his own pace, and just accept him for how he is.......I promise you he will become very predictable and always want to interact with you one day! How long have you had him?
With Pip, I've even seen a difference in our relationship in just the last year, and I've had him now for five years in July! He'll fly around now sometimes looking for me! Sometimes when he's on me........I'll bring him over to the cages and playgym to get him off, and he'll just sit there on me.......nope, don't want to get off ya mom! Beaker will come around, and you don't have to do anything more than what you're doing! I'd bet money on it

06-03-2012, 06:04 PM
Yup! They are hard to understand sometimes! I've only had my master for a couple of weeks and I thought a few times he wanted something a few times but I was wrong. Like when he is playing in his cage... a lot of the time he is just playing in his cage and doesn't want to come out.. but at first, because of the amount of activity, I thought he was wanting to come out of the cage... (My thoughts would be like, "Why would he want to stay in a "prison" like that??") of course that's not a prison.. it's his "home"!! :) It's his secure and safe place to play! He likes it in there! Just like I like being in the bath tub! :)

Last night I couldn't work out what he wanted at all.. he wanted to be out of the cage but kept walking off my shoulder, to the edge of our bed.. near his cage and I figured he was wanting to go back in his cage.. but no.. that's not what he wanted.. I tried sitting him in other places but he kept returning to that spot 2 or 3 times.. then I just left him there and stopped trying to work out what he wanted. Now that I think about it.. maybe he simply wanted to stand in that spot? Maybe there was something interesting there that he was looking at.. a different perspective.. maybe he liked the look of his cage from that vantage point..? :) Who knows.. but that's where he wanted to be at that time.. and I just have to allow him have what he wants (as long as he isn't hurting anyone, including himself)..

I've heard that molting isn't terribly nice.. new feathers poking through the skin.. I guess it would be similar to a child who is teething.. so your bird is probably not in a good mood as a result of that..

Bernadette N
06-04-2012, 02:00 AM
Thanks everyone, that's reassuring to know! We've had Mr B for 5 weeks now, and have been told he is "under a year" in age. We aren't sure, but assume he is about 5-7 months old, as he still has a partially black beak, and he has started his molt. Lots of pin feathers appearing and fluffies flying everywhere. He is such a beautiful little soul. Never bites. He bit my husband by accident and was as shocked as my hubby was. He has been really cheerful today, lots of singing and playing (swinging on his swing and playing with his bell). Perhaps he really does just like his home and feels a bit grumpy because of his molt. I've read that it makes them lethargic, so perhaps that is what it was. He is still bing a bit funny and not wanting to sit on our hands, but I will try to not take it personally... :)