View Full Version : Loves petting or just scared?

06-04-2012, 08:39 AM
Hi, couple of days ago I bought a gorgeous 3 months old blue masked lovebird ( pictures will follow :D). But the thing is, he wasn't hand raised... the bird is wild. So I started training him, but he doesn't like any of the treets I give him. ( I still have to try millet spray tough). But here is the thing when i pet his wings and back he looks so calm and doesn't fly away.

My question: Is the bird liking my affection or is it just so scared that it doesn't want to fly away in the hope I leave him allone ? ( ps he doesn't bite me, somthimes he knibles but not really biting)

06-04-2012, 09:42 AM
Your new lovebird is in the process of adjusting. He will allow you to pet him (which is quite miraculous in itself!), as he's testing the waters to see if it's a pleasant experience. Once he realizes that you mean him no harm, he should settle down and you could find yourself with a velcro lovie that enjoys hanging out with you. He's young, so he's also impressionable.

His entire world has been turned upside down, as everything familiar is gone and he's in a completely strange situation. Imagine yourself moving from home to a strange distant town where you don't know anyone or anything. That's basically his situation and he's getting used to it. Give him time and take things slowly. Your rewards will be worth the effort!

As for different treats, if he's never had what you are offering before, he doesn't view them as edible. You may want to try sharing a dish of bird safe veggies with him so that he can watch you eat what you want him to eat. Try different sizes/shapes with veggies. My lovies ADORE carrots grated up into strings, as those are also fun to play with! For the millet, try taking small pieces off the spray and putting them in his food dish. :)

06-04-2012, 10:51 AM
Your new lovebird is in the process of adjusting. He will allow you to pet him (which is quite miraculous in itself!), as he's testing the waters to see if it's a pleasant experience. Once he realizes that you mean him no harm, he should settle down and you could find yourself with a velcro lovie that enjoys hanging out with you. He's young, so he's also impressionable.

His entire world has been turned upside down, as everything familiar is gone and he's in a completely strange situation. Imagine yourself moving from home to a strange distant town where you don't know anyone or anything. That's basically his situation and he's getting used to it. Give him time and take things slowly. Your rewards will be worth the effort!

As for different treats, if he's never had what you are offering before, he doesn't view them as edible. You may want to try sharing a dish of bird safe veggies with him so that he can watch you eat what you want him to eat. Try different sizes/shapes with veggies. My lovies ADORE carrots grated up into strings, as those are also fun to play with! For the millet, try taking small pieces off the spray and putting them in his food dish. :)

Thank you so much, that's genious. Putting my treat in one of his foodboxes so that he recognizes the treat ^__^ And I do hope that I can tame him. But so far so good, I had him for a couple of days now and I already noticed that he isn't that scared of me anymore. He allows me to put my hand on the cage without flying away ^^

06-04-2012, 11:26 AM
Thank you so much, that's genious. Putting my treat in one of his foodboxes so that he recognizes the treat ^__^ And I do hope that I can tame him. But so far so good, I had him for a couple of days now and I already noticed that he isn't that scared of me anymore. He allows me to put my hand on the cage without flying away ^^
For just a couple of days, that's darned good progress!!!! I wonder if he's been handled previously. Keep up the good job!!

06-04-2012, 12:48 PM
For just a couple of days, that's darned good progress!!!! I wonder if he's been handled previously. Keep up the good job!! I'm almost 100% sure he actually loves it. If i want to make him step up he flies away, but when I put my hand in petting possition ( I use the back of my finger so he knows when i'm trying to pet and when i'm trying to make him step up) he stays still and when I pet him he does this thing with his eyes, almost like he is sleepy :p and he came from a breeder, but he was wild tough.