View Full Version : viciously attacking her toys

06-04-2012, 12:20 PM
Every morning mango visiously attacks her toys. It recently started a couple weeks ago. She bullys them, nips and bites them and trys to sling them around. I tried removing the toy but then She started bulling the cage door. Certain times of the day i let the door open so she can leave her cage a bit and i do play with her. Is this a territorial puberty thing?

06-04-2012, 05:40 PM
I dunno.. but my Lucky does the same thing with his toys lately.. only the last couple of days has he been doing this. Before, when I first introduced the toys to him, he was scared of them.. then he warmed up to the red poly-rope foot toy and munches on the ends of that.. but now also the leather foot toy as well. He gets quite agressive with the toys.. but I just it as him really, really enjoying the toys...

If I try to take the toy from him, I will get a bite.. last night he bit me quite hard.. not enough to bleed but it was the hardest he has bitten me. I understand why he did.. so no harm done. Even though I grabbed the toy a few more times, he didn't bite me again.. he understood I was just wanting to play together with him.. just the first time I grabbed it he was quite agressive about it.

He does this out of the cage as much as in the cage.. so I don't think it's so much territorial as it is about ownership.

06-07-2012, 05:31 PM
To be honest I don't really know why they do it, but what I think is that they are just playing. The toys are made to be played with so why worry if your bird plays with it. Maybe he/she is just having some fun. Some kids like to be tough and play rugby, while other kids enjoy some chess... And look at the bright side, at least you know the bird isn't bored when you are not around, so you don't have worry so much about self-mutalation. But like I said, these are not facts, just my humble opinion ^^

ps: don't mind my spelling and grammar. I'm from Belgium and my English is far from perfect :p

06-08-2012, 05:17 AM
ps: don't mind my spelling and grammar. I'm from Belgium and my English is far from perfect :p
Not a problem here! We have any number of members who are not from a country where English is the first language! I've learned that terminology is different and that has helped me help others more effectively.

Sometimes I wonder if the rough play with toys isn't done to catch the attention of the human slave! Ginger, my CAG, has an acrylic toy that she slams against the sides of her cage when she wants me to know that she wants something! She knows that the level of noise will not go unnoticed for very long and she can be extremely persistent!!!

06-11-2012, 06:12 PM
She knows that the level of noise will not go unnoticed for very long and she can be extremely persistent!!!

This is something I wanted to ask about.. My Lucky has obviously worked out that the more noise he makes, the quicker I will come running.. but sometimes he doesn't even when to get out of the cage. And it's not "where are you?" thing because he keeps it up after I get there. Sometimes even when he is sitting on my shoulder, he will run back and forth and chirp, over and over. Other times, he will run around and chirp on the bed.. I just don't understand what all the fuss is about. I am not expecting him to just sit there and do nothing but it's just confusing to me because I am not a bird. :)

What's with all the fuss?

06-11-2012, 07:47 PM
Of my two male lovebirds, one is mainly a chewer, and the other likes to beat things up. Goofy, the beater upper, will bang his one bell toy next to his cage door as a way to summon me. As he starts out, things aren't too loud, but wait too long, and he'll really start bashing it :omg:! He also beats his playgym bell, and quite aggressively too, but thats not to get my attention. .. Beeber, on the other hand, is a chewer. Sometimes he'll chew on my arm for attention, but most the time, he just likes to chew on everything. And I do mean everything >:. .. For the most part, I see this as a good thing. One, in that it helps to release pent up energy. And two, it directs that energy into something more positive other than self abuse.