View Full Version : How old is my lovebird?

Bernadette N
06-14-2012, 09:31 PM
When we bought Beaker, nobody at the shop could tell me anything more than "Less than a year". His beak has a black tip on the top beak part, and is almost completely grey/black on the bottom beak part (the chin bit, if that makes sense?).

You can see it in this picture here:

Can anyone help?

06-14-2012, 10:41 PM
Unfortunately, except for the information the shop provided, there's not much else left to help determine his age besides beak and feather colour. By the looks of his horn coloured beak, he's certainly beyond the age of 3-1/2 months, as thats about the time they lose the tell tale dark splotch up near the nares. At about four months, they'll experience their first molt, as thats about the time their adult colouring starts to fill in. Although i'm coloured blind, for a whitefaced, he looks very much like an adult lovebird. .. If there's any reason to think he might be much older, you can easily quell that just by looking at him. ...........:)

Bernadette N
06-18-2012, 12:03 AM

He is experiencing his molt at the moment. When would have have his "second molt" ?

His face 5 weeks ago was pure white and he has started going peachie coloured on his forhead. This implies to me that he is getting his adult colour.

Does this extra info help?

06-18-2012, 03:40 AM
Lovebirds don't always begin their first molt at 4 months. Depending on diet, seasonal changes, etc, it may even occur a few months later. From your mention of his forehead though, i'd say there's a fair chance he's now experiencing his first molt. .. In general, our lovies will molt every six months or so, but again, that depends on several factors. ...........:)