View Full Version : List of charges!

06-16-2012, 05:49 PM
As most of you know i sometimes refer to my flock as " my flock of hoodlums" well here is my flock and thier list of charges.

Mahina: description: female rainbow colored sun conure: list of charges: numerious noise complaints, destruction of proterty, assult, and harrasment.

Oola'la': decrcription: male rainbow colored sun conure: list of charges: numerious noise complaints, destruction of property, evadeing capture, and curfew violations.

Baby boo: description: female ficher peachfaced lovebird hybrid green in color: list of charges: several types of assult, trespassing,curfew violations,destruction of property and terroristic threatning.

Sunshine: description: male hevily pied peachfaced lovebird with dominant yellow: list of charges: trespassing,polygimy,curfew violations,escape,sexual harrasment and destruction of property.

Aurora: description: Male blue series whitefaced lovebird: list of charges: Trespassing, sexual harrasment,destruction of property,curfew violations, and escape.

Sweety bird: description: male green series peachfaced lovebird: list of charges: Trespassing, and escape.

Nalu: description: male green series peachfaced lovebird: list of charges: Tresspassing,escape,destruction of property,sexual harrasment,curfew violations,and terroristic threatening.

Sappire: description: Female indian ringed neck parakeet blue series: list of charges: several types of theft,tresspassing,noise compliants,destruction of property, solicitation,terroistic threatening,curfew violation,escape,and assult.

Pohaku: description: Male standard cockatiel: list of charges: Noise complaints,tresspassing,destruction of porperty,curfew violations,and solicitation.

Shadow: description: dark slate female cockatiel: list of charges: solicitation,tresspassing,destruction of property and curfew.

If spotted call the proper fidparent and approach with caution!!!


06-16-2012, 08:57 PM
Ditto: male heavily pied seagreen peachfaced lovebird: complaints: criminal cuteness and excessive snuggliness.... Oh wait, those aren't complaints.

Move along, nothing to see here. :nyah:

06-17-2012, 08:43 AM
Oh my goodness! Where do I start????????

Echo: male Abyssinian Lovebird. Iridescent green with red face and red eye-ring feathers. Age 10. Guilty of moondancing for pistachio peanuts and anything else he thinks is edible. Assault with intent to remove Alex's toes when she lands on his cage!

Ginger: female CAG. Various shades of grey body feathering with brilliant red tail. Age appox. 22. Guilty of destruction of property and stalking the human flock mate where ever she goes! Usually found hanging out with Harley (TAG) and standing lookout while he does whatever he's intent on doing at the moment.

Harley male TAG. Various shades of darker grey feathering with maroon colored tail feathers. Age 15. Guilty of stalking human slave and absconding with any kind of edible food. Known to return for seconds once the first snatch is consumed. Will not share!

Alex: female BFA. Age 15. Green feathering with 5 green/orange flight feathers, yellow crown and blue feathering just behind the nares. Eating any kind of food within her sight is an exercise in futility. Alex LOVES food, especially pistachio peanuts, almond and peanuts. Normally found either hanging out with Monty or with the human slave.

Sonny: male CAG. Age unknown. Grey feathering with bright red tail feathers. He's a red factor so there is red feathering intersperced within the grey. LOVES pistachio peanuts and will raid other cages before returning to eat his own. Excellent talker whose favorite conversational addition is "Uh huh!"

None of the above are harmful to humans but they will increase your food bill substantially.

06-17-2012, 10:36 AM
Kio: description: Green and yellow in feathers make budgies, approx 7 yrs old. Charges: Flying wrecklessly and disrupting normal calm flight paths. Solicitation, Heavily involved in commercial print espionage.

Phoebe: Description: yellow cramino female lovebird approx 8 yrs old. Charges: Suspected leader of commercial print espionage ring. Persistent in convincing others that building a nest is a necessity to common good. Destruction of important paper documentation. Charged with attacks and drawing blood, plotting to take over all paper assets kept on the property.

Petie: Description: green peach face lovebird with a white face, missing feathers mid chest going up. age, approx 8 yrs old. Charge: Known to stalk Max the Grey for unknown reasons. Extortion: will convince you to sit down and snuggle while other members of the gang continue expionage activies. Can cause bodily injury by screaming in your ear.

Max: Description; 24 yr old male CAG. Grey in feathers with a red tail. While mask around the eyes. Charges: Extorsion of food, blackmail; will threaten to pull his feathers if not allowed to go uptairs: Invasion: invaded second floor of the house and claimed a closet. Has been known to inflict injuries to slave if they do not disccharge static electricity before picking him up.

Rammie: 14 yr old male CAG with missing feathers on chest. Charges: Destruction of property made of plastic including but not limited to computer mouse, remove controls, phones, keyboards. Thief: has been seen flying away with selected cut of pork roast and steaks. Manupilator: Will find anyone's wak point and use it against them to get food now. Terrorist: dive bomb other members of the flock if he doesn't feel he is the center of attention at all time.

Buddy: 15 yrs old Hans Macaw, green in colour with missing feathers on back and his belly: Charges: Caused bodily injuries with his beak. Whill launge at people if they come too close and then will burst into an evil laugh. Manipulation: manipulate grown man into running over by calling his name and screaming "I love you!" Looks sweet as **** to lure people closer with a "cookie" (an almond)

All above suspect should be approached with caution. Do not let their angel look fool you into thinking they are not above devious actions.

06-19-2012, 03:23 PM
Glad alot of my fids charges are shared by other fids lol

06-20-2012, 01:56 AM
Bad birds,bad birds,whatcha gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you?! :whistle:

Pips mom
06-20-2012, 09:55 AM
LOVE this! some of these are just too funny :rotfl You guys do a good job w/your descriptions!

06-20-2012, 10:31 AM
Glad alot of my fids charges are shared by other fids lol

Just what do you mean by "your GLAD alot of your fids charges are shared by other fids'?

Jeremiah aka "thebubbleking". .. Description; Last seen wearing various feathered hat arrangments used to disquise his real identity. .. Charges; Conspiracy to commit theft via Lafeber's free samples, bribery, aiding and abetting, contributing to the delinquency of a parrot, and harboring fugitives. Not to mention a long list of other offenses to which there appears to be no end...........:omg:

06-20-2012, 05:07 PM
Bad birds,bad birds,whatcha gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you?! :whistle:

One of my Greys sings that too :)

06-20-2012, 07:07 PM
Rotflmao! mitchael i guess denial is not just a river in egypt! like father like fids apprently!

06-20-2012, 10:10 PM
Bad birds,bad birds,whatcha gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you?! :whistle:

One of my Greys sings that too :)

Rotflmao! mitchael i guess denial is not just a river in egypt! like father like fids apprently!

I'm thinking we better all plead the fifth! .......:rotfl

06-21-2012, 08:02 AM
These are all hilarious! Thankfully, I have none to add! Mine are all angels! OUCH! Ok, who bit me!!?? I called you ANGELS! Now act like it!! :evil: :D Much better!!