View Full Version : Regurgitation

10-11-2005, 08:24 PM
I was wondering if over eating can cause a lovebird to regurgitate. For the last 2- 3 days we noticed that Blu bobs her head and today she (he) startedd to regurgitate. She doesn't regurgitate on anything but will chew whatever it is again and swallow it back.
Tonight I noticed her regurgitating some rice. It did not seem digested. there is no smell on her breath, poops are normal and she is her happy self, no lethargy.
She eats like a pig. Always eating! she loves her food!
I do realise that she (at this point maybe he) would be between the age of 12 and 20 months and sexual behavior may start to show. In the past, with my males, the food seemed to be digested. A lot of fluids with the seeds. Mind you, that was 15 years ago, my memory might be failing me. At this point i am thinking that maybe I should take her to the vet.
Any ideas would be welcomed :)

10-11-2005, 09:26 PM
Hi Elle,

I have not had food regurgitated whole that I recall, but if it were a piece of rice that was swallowed whole, I could see it coming back up that way. I would keep an eye on Blu just to be on the safe side, and of course take her to the vet if you notice any other out of the ordinary behavior. She sounds well, but a close eye can't hurt.

I can't recall, but how long has it been since Blu had a well bird check? If it's about time, I think I might go ahead and get that done just for peace of mind.

10-12-2005, 12:14 PM
I've only had one lovie that regurgitated whole looking food and it was a male that had just been brought into my house and had stuffed himself with millet. He only did this for a short while until he realized there was plenty of food to eat and he didn't have to be a hog.
Maybe Blu is just over stuffing...but like Lori said, if a well visit is about due anyway, might as well schedule one.

10-12-2005, 05:16 PM
The well birdie visit isn't due for anotehr 4 months. If need be we will be going sooner. It's true that Blu does eat a lot. And I mean a lot! actually, I'm here typing and I haven't given her (him) her veggies yet and she is cursing at me, calling me every name in the birdie book.

Better go feed her (him) ( I was so convinced it was a girl!)