View Full Version : my lovebird is afraid of everything except me!!

06-22-2012, 05:16 PM
my lovebird loves being on my shoulder and for the most part isnt afraid of my hands. he is however afraid of everything else :/ i wana train him to do tricks and introduce him to new things but he wont take any new treats and he only eats what hes been eating since he left to live with me. how do i build more confidence in my bird?

06-22-2012, 06:36 PM
Just be patient. Birds learn by experience and it sounds like he's learned to trust you! As he gets even more comfortable, you will find he may become interested in whatever you are eating, which is OK as long as it's safe for him.

06-22-2012, 06:58 PM
I adopted a 15 yr old Hans Macaw just three weeks ago and was told he doesn't eat fruits or veggies. At our house dinner is litterally a flock thing. The two Greys each have a perch in the kitchen with a bowl and the Hans sits on the back of a chair. He sees us eating and sees the other Grey eat so out of curiosity he has to try it. So far he eats rice, potatoes, corn, carrots, apples, cherries and bananas. Making a fuss on how good it is and encouraging him and trying different ways to serve it will probably get him to try a few new things. Our Macaw is extreemely nervous around new things and moving in a new house with new people hasn't help at all. I don't introduce anything else without leaving it in plain view outside the cage for a fews days first. Our Grey used to be nervous with everything but is now a very sweet and confident parrot. It takes time and patience. Your lovebird will get there too:happy:

07-01-2012, 08:51 PM
Yup.. my lovie was like that when I first got him home.. and again after we moved. It's not like they can understand all of this sudden change.. just need to keep him happy and safe, and be patient with him. Believe me, you will soon be wishing he would just sit still on your shoulder again.. haha! :D

07-02-2012, 09:39 AM
Believe me, you will soon be wishing he would just sit still on your shoulder again.. haha! :D
Oh how well I understand this concept!! I've always been told be careful about what you wish for....... :lol