View Full Version : Button quail in a lovebird aviary?

06-28-2012, 03:49 PM
Hi! im new to this and i wasn't sure where to put this so i just put it in here. so I'm currently building an aviary for my lovies in the back garden. There will be an insulated shed because i dont want my lovies getting cold! :cold the aviary will be 9'x6'. the base is concrete slabs/tiles. and ill be separating just under half of the shed for my Rosella and she'll have her own flight coming from the other end of the shed. anyway I was thinking of getting a pair of button quail/Chinese painted quail for the bottom just to clean up the spilled seed and just to watch run around the bottom ha ha. The thing is everywhere says that you cant keep quail with hook bills but in a pet store ive seen them in with cockatiels and kakarikis and at college they keep them in an aviary lets say about 6'x6' maybe a bit bigger with cockatiels, budgies, red rumps and lovebirds... which i did think was a bit much because i know lovies and budgies can really go for it if they wanted to. although there hasn't seemed to be any problems. so i was really wondering if anyone actually has a lovebird aviary with quail running around. I was going to get a pair of button quail because of their size they'd have plenty of space to run around. thank you :) if it helps i have peachfaced lovebirds and a blackmasked

06-28-2012, 04:28 PM
I happen to know a bit about button quail (my friend raises them) they work great in an aviary as they eat leftover seed and milillet etc, buttons are shy by nature and lovebirds quite the opposite so works out real well. Buttons give good eggs to eat also! one thing to keep in mind with buttons is the height of the aviary must be ATLEAST 6 feet high as when suprised or excited they bop meaning they hop straight up :)

06-28-2012, 09:07 PM
A breeder friend of mine also used to keep Button Quail in his outdoor aviaries and it worked out well for all concerned. The only thing you have to be very careful about is that the Buttons don't get cold or wet. Mine never tolerated either condition very well. And, yes! It's quite amazing just how high those legs will propel them off the ground.....straight up!!!!!!!!

06-29-2012, 03:03 AM
thanks for the replies! i was going to put maybe some potted bamboo and bird grass in for the quail to hide in and the lovebirds to destroy and the aviary will be 6ft. I heard about the flying straight up thing and i wondered could i trim their flight feathers to stop this? i dont do it for my other birds but i was thinking would it be safer? also they will be housed in the shed aswell so they will be toasty warm. ill get them some little houses and hidey places aswell...just concerned the lovebirds might try to sneak into these spots because they are so curious. hopefully if i get some they get on fine together. also I was wondering at what age can i buy button quail so that they will become friendly and less scared if i handle them. i want them pretty young because of the lifespan and i just want them to come up to me not run away :) im just not sure how young people sell them. thanks

06-29-2012, 04:19 AM
I heard about the flying straight up thing and i wondered could i trim their flight feathers to stop this?
They use their legs to attain the height more so than their wings so clipping flight feathers won't do a whole lot to change this.