View Full Version : My female lovebird only wants to stay in her cage!

06-28-2012, 05:36 PM
Charley is my baby! She was tame, lovable, affectionate right away. Perfect from day one.
When I got her, we used to play together A LOT on a blanket with foot toys and stuff. She'd just lay on me. Now she is 3 and for the past months all she wants to do is go in her cage and stay at the bottom. Nothing is wrong with her, she is a bottom dweller and loves to sleep there,etc.
She wants to shred paper and she will fly all over the house to find anything to shred! I'll take her out but she'll fly right back into her cage!
She laid eggs before, yes and is still doing it! I put a washcloth on the bottom of the cage as liner now because since she (and my other female lovie) like to spend their time on the bottom, running around, and idk.

She is still as tame and lovable but only wants to stay on that bottom cage and never wants to play with toys or anything like the good old days. She will kiss her toys in her cage and kiss me like I am her mate.

What to do? I already took out all her toys since all she does is kiss/mate with them, nothing is shred-able in her cage....
This has been going on for a LONG time. They're not in breeding mode for like a year + right? It's strange! When I came home, she'd be like a dog and want to get out of her cage to see me! Now it's like she does not care..

06-29-2012, 08:30 AM
You have a broody hen that's collecting nesting material, has selected her "nesting spot" but isn't quite in broody mode enough to lay eggs. This is typical nesty hen behavior and you might completely change her cage, move it to a new location and, perhaps, take her out of her cage to be with you but keep her out of sight of her cage. It's not that she doesn't like you. She just has a different preference right now.