View Full Version : Any tips on how to bond with my birdy?

06-30-2012, 09:35 PM
So my birdy has been coming out on her own now besides the fact she all of a sudden got mad and didnt want to come out of her cage...now im just wondering if there's any tips on how to bond more with her? She like sitting on her swing but she won't cuddle....hates scritches and will nip to let me know she doesn't like it but I'm not quite sure how to make her let me do those things. She isn't afraid of my hands much or me really because I usually whistle to her while i sit next to her cage but sometimes she squaks angrily at me and hops towards me. Is this a bad thing? She also constantly chirps loudly in the apartment out of the blue and not sure what to do.

07-02-2012, 12:42 PM
So my birdy has been coming out on her own now besides the fact she all of a sudden got mad and didnt want to come out of her cage...now im just wondering if there's any tips on how to bond more with her? She like sitting on her swing but she won't cuddle....hates scritches and will nip to let me know she doesn't like it but I'm not quite sure how to make her let me do those things. She isn't afraid of my hands much or me really because I usually whistle to her while i sit next to her cage but sometimes she squaks angrily at me and hops towards me. Is this a bad thing? She also constantly chirps loudly in the apartment out of the blue and not sure what to do.

What is your birdies name? ... Tips on bonding, in general, are the offerings of food/treats, toys, plenty of social interaction, and whatever else our imaginations can stir up. .. For hens who get broady from time to time, most try to offer objects that won't encourage nesting behavior. Birdsafe tree branches, bottle caps, bells, leather strips, can all help make your birdies environment a bit more interesting, and you need not spend a fortune on them either. Small playgym's (with a swing) for example, are popular in that they offer activity away from the "territory" of a cage. .. Unfortunately, there is no way to make your lovebird do the things you want her to do. These sort of things only happen through positive reinforcement, trial and error, and a never ending supply of love and patience. If they don't happen, then as a guardian, you must accept everything as it stands. .. As for the whistling being a bad thing, its somewhat difficult to say. Could be that she finds the response threatening, or, is simply overzealous in her attempt to figure out what it means. Either way, she's a curious lovebird, and there would be nothing wrong with that. ...........;)

07-03-2012, 09:29 PM
What is your birdies name? ... Tips on bonding, in general, are the offerings of food/treats, toys, plenty of social interaction, and whatever else our imaginations can stir up. .. For hens who get broady from time to time, most try to offer objects that won't encourage nesting behavior. Birdsafe tree branches, bottle caps, bells, leather strips, can all help make your birdies environment a bit more interesting, and you need not spend a fortune on them either. Small playgym's (with a swing) for example, are popular in that they offer activity away from the "territory" of a cage. .. Unfortunately, there is no way to make your lovebird do the things you want her to do. These sort of things only happen through positive reinforcement, trial and error, and a never ending supply of love and patience. If they don't happen, then as a guardian, you must accept everything as it stands. .. As for the whistling being a bad thing, its somewhat difficult to say. Could be that she finds the response threatening, or, is simply overzealous in her attempt to figure out what it means. Either way, she's a curious lovebird, and there would be nothing wrong with that. ...........;)

Ah ok thanks a lot ^-^ And her name is Miko and actually to be honest I'm not even sure of her/his gender XD But yes I will try the bottle caps and such =)

07-17-2012, 11:59 AM
Patience and interaction. I got mine a little while back and at first, even though she was quite curious as to whom I am, she wanted nothing to do with me. All she wanted to do was to sit on her swing ans look outside the window. But everyday I talked to her, sing to her and play with her toys. She never attempted to bit me. It took about 3 weeks before she came out of her cage and joined me on the sofa..it was breakthrough and ever sicen that day, she's a real leach!! :)

07-17-2012, 08:50 PM
Patience and interaction. I got mine a little while back and at first, even though she was quite curious as to whom I am, she wanted nothing to do with me. All she wanted to do was to sit on her swing ans look outside the window. But everyday I talked to her, sing to her and play with her toys. She never attempted to bit me. It took about 3 weeks before she came out of her cage and joined me on the sofa..it was breakthrough and ever sicen that day, she's a real leach!! :)

That's really sweet ^-^ my birdy come out and like I have to get her to step up which she thinks it's a threat? I guess until I get her on my finger and calm her down then we chill on the couch or she just chills with me to play with my computer until she flys away =( XD