View Full Version : some behavior questions

07-02-2012, 07:42 PM
Hello all! First I'd like to say that I've been reading these forums a lot since joining, and I find this information quite useful. That being said, I have some questions of my own that I don't think I can answer just by surfing around the forums.
I just got a lovebird (my first bird) about 2 months ago. Not sure about his exact age, but I know he's less than 1 year old. He seems quite content sitting on my shoulder, that didn't take very long. He also is fine with being in my hands, although sometimes he seems quite eager to fly off and stand on the fishtank. Starting about a week ago, he started stepping right onto my hand when I put my hand in the cage.
Now for the questions/concerns. 1) He doesn't do much of anything. I have yet to see him even touch a toy, with the exception of using one to climb away once. I even set up a video camera while I was out for a little while. He sat on his main perch the whole time, only came down once to have a bite of food and then briefly sit on a different perch, before returning to his main perch. While out of the cage, he sometimes (perhaps every other day) will sing/talk to me while doing some dancing (did some head bobbing the past couple days, which made me quite happy), but he won't do this while on me. Only if he's nearby, standing on something else. While on my shoulder or hand, he rarely talks, and mostly preens himself.
2) I clipped his wings, but he still flies, and seems to fly pretty well. Pretty sure I clipped about 7 primaries on each side, but he makes it very difficult for me to check. He hates having his wings clipped, probably because I have to hold him under a towel to do it. He makes a pathetic squeaking noise (it makes me really sad to hear) the whole time. Also, after clipping, he seems to sulk. I can understand this, but my concern is: is it making him less likely to bond with me, since he hates the clipping process we have to go through?
3) Lastly (for now, I think), he pretty much refuses to try anything other than pellets and millet spray. I got him to eat some millet spray with broccoli fiber, but that's pretty much the most branching out he'll do. He has VERY briefly tasted a bit of kiwi, but then refused to try it again. I sprinkled some millet on a fruit mix just now, and he proceeded to pick out the millet, taste a papaya and raisin, only to throw them away (which was amusing, despite my disappointment in his refusal to try new things).
4) Ok so I actually have another concern, but maybe I just need to give it more time. Bird has yet to make an attempt to come to me. He will always step up onto my hand when I place it in front of him, but he has never sought me out, either by flying or walking. Do I just need to give him more time? I believe I did mention that he only recently started stepping up onto my hand in his cage in order for him to come out, so I guess that's at least a step in the right direction. Anyway, any and all advice/commentary is appreciated. Thanks!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-02-2012, 07:58 PM
Congratulations on the new lovebird!

Toys - What kind of toys are you offering? Try a different variety of toys, and give him time to get used to them. Sometimes I put a new toy in the cage and my birds won't touch it for months. Other toys, they destroy within HOURS. No, really. HOURS. Mine prefer swings, and toys they can chew or shred. Toys made of popsicle sticks are a big deal here, as well as "parrot pinatas" which are made of woven palm leaf.

Wing clips - Lovebirds don't weigh a lot, so sometimes clipping wings doesn't really prevent them from getting a bit of lift. My Lilybird can fly no matter how many flights I clip. I'm convinced that it's stubbornness that gives her lift, not flight feathers. The best I can do is clip to slow her down.

New food - This one can be a challenge. Patience, patience, and more patience. If it's fresh food you're talking about, make sure you're cutting into small enough pieces as to not be overwhelming for him. Also keep in mind that lovebirds tend to want what you have, so eating (or pretending to eat) foods in front of them may help. Or not. I gave up on feeding apple slices after my Milo literally ran screaming from them.

Getting him to come to you - :) The fact that you have him stepping up for you already is a very good sign. Keep up the good work and have patience. It will happen.

07-02-2012, 09:47 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is they learn from watching, so play with a toy let him watch, eat with him or pretend to eat his food or pretend you dont want to share what your eating and that works, and once he gets confidance he will fly to you just takes patience.
Keep in mind lovebirds and parrots in general learn by watching and imitateing :)

07-03-2012, 03:59 AM
tenormadness: Hello. My two love playing on sisal homemade rope rings with chewing braid threaded through the rope loops. I had a half coconut toy hanging and they just wouldn't go near it. I replaced that with a large swing and they now make use of that daily. I suppose it's trial and error what your bird will 'like'.

My two have full flight so I can't really comment on your clipping query.

Your question about food should be of most concern. A diet of pellets and millet spray is not really sufficient for the long term well being of your bird. You could add variety by gradually adding a good quality seed mix to the pellets. My two simply refuse to eat any fruit. However, they love vegetables and sprouted seed so that could be worth a try for you. You mention your bird eats millet spray - you could sprout that. What method of calcium supply is available to your bird?

Patience should give you the greatest rewards from your bird - go at his/her pace!

07-03-2012, 03:24 PM
First off, thanks for the replies, encouragement and advice! I will heed all of it. In response to the question about toys, I think I'm providing him with a pretty good variety. I don't really know how I'd go about describing them all, but I'd say they're pretty different. I'll just keep up the variety. As for the food, I have been told by several different bird specialists and a vet that a pellet diet is sufficient, if not ideal, if he continues to be stubborn. That being said, I certainly would like it and feel better if he would eat some fresh foods. I will try the advice about eating in front of him to hopefully entice him into wanting something new. Also, as of today, I got him to eat this other seed mix, so that's good at least. I will mix it up. Thanks again!

07-03-2012, 07:38 PM
New question... how full of toys do people make their cages? I have seen a few pictures of sparsely decorated cages, but most of the pictures I've seen are quite full. If many many toys seems to be a popular decision, perhaps I'll have to make a bunch more!

Buy A Paper Doll
07-03-2012, 08:10 PM
I think it depends on the size of the cage and also on your bird. My birds seem to be happiest with 4-5 toys in their cage, plus a swing or two, and a few levels of perches. But their cage is pretty big - 32 inches wide and tall, by about 20 inches deep - so there's a lot of room for toys. If they were in a smaller cage I'd have to cut that back or else there would be no room for them to move around.

07-04-2012, 03:06 AM
tenormadness: As what Buy A Paper Doll wrote. I also have some willow twigs tied to my two's cage - they love stripping the bark off and generally having a good chew :-) I place any toys towards the edges of their home - this keeps the central area free for moving about.

07-04-2012, 11:31 AM
Bird just "played" with a toy for the first time this morning! Granted, he just plucked at some popsicle sticks a couple times, but he was definitely showing some interest. Exciting! Maybe I can upload a picture of this little guy....

How do I insert a photo directly into this post? I know a lot of the posted pictures are just links to a website, but I've seen some pasted directly in...

07-04-2012, 11:33 AM
Nevermind, I feel foolish. Just read the thread on how to add photos. I'll make an album online.

07-22-2012, 02:23 PM
Is it weird and/or dangerous that my lovie likes to chew on plastic bags and plastic bag ties? I don't let him tear into it, I'm afraid of him eating a piece of plastic, but I sometimes catch him trying to chew on a little ziplock bag he finds on the counter, or the little strip of plastic that you use to hold together a bunch of wires or close a bread bag. Hopefully someone knows what I'm trying to describe. Anyway, this seems to interest him more than any of the toys I have bought/made. Yesterday he very briefly played with one that I made' which delighted me. It's the most activity I've seen out of him yet. It's progress though, maybe eventually he'll actually play with toys on a regular basis! For now he seems content to eat everything, sit around on one foot, and chatter away.

07-23-2012, 02:55 AM
tenormadness: When I had one of mine in a 'hospital' cage she decided to lift the paper at the bottom and start chewing the plastic insulation tape that was holding it down. She spit the chewed bits out though and no apparent harm was done.

Homemade toys are sometimes better. Mine don't usually take to shop bought toys but make good use of homemade ones. Hanging toys work well. Willow twigs work well with my two.

Bernadette N
08-02-2012, 03:11 AM
My Beaker always takes a while to play with a toy, and then he uses it with gusto! The first time I saw him on his swing, he was swinging so fast it made me laugh out loud. He is also obsessed with anything the colour green. He had a bell, which he used to play with ALL the time - he would put it on his head, and then jump, making the bell ring (I called this game the 'helmet and jump' game) - but he suddenly lost interest. Then I realised this weekend that he had chewed the ringer bit out so there was nothing inside anymore to ring! This freaked me out initially, as I was worried he'd eaten it. But, he seems fine. I have been observing him. I guess I threw it out with the mess at the bottom of the cage when I was cleaning. God that little guy loves to chew!

I think once your bird realises what you have for him are toys, he will play :-)