View Full Version : Lovies Afraid of Fireworks?

07-03-2012, 10:44 PM
My poor little guy is hanging half upside down from the top of the cage and his bed. He's moving around a lot right now. It's 2 hours past his bedtime. Well, almost 3 hours. The fireworks are going on outside for the July 4th festivities.

Are anyone else's lovies a little upset by this? Is there anything i can do? I may just have a cranky guy on my hands tomorrow. Poor baby. I feel bad for him.

07-04-2012, 01:29 AM
Lovebirds can in fact tolerate sudden loud noises such as lighting and thunder quite well. In a way, fireworks aren't much different. If you don't hear much coming out of him, he's probably more comfortable than you. Different if he were running around his cage going berzerk :omg:. ..........:)