View Full Version : A question on behavior

07-06-2012, 09:27 AM
I have a question on my lovebirds behavior.
I have observed many times that my lovebirds once or twice a year sit on both sides of the cage (one sits on the left, the other sits on the right) have their backs turned to each other (eg left one looks on the left, right one looks on the right) and they seem to be chatting for hours. they might do this for 2 hours, two or three times a day for about 3-4 weeks. then they do not do it any more. after six months they do it again.

Do you understand such behavior?

07-06-2012, 12:53 PM
Hi Marinos. .. Unlike your two lovebirds, my males lovies have separate cages. However, about three four times a month, both will involve themselve's in an elaborate array of warbles and what not lasting in general about one to two hours. Most the time this occurs during daylight hours usually towards evening. Other times shortly after they retire for the night. .. What it all means? ...I'm not really sure. But it sure sounds interesting! ............:)

Bernadette N
07-08-2012, 07:02 PM
My lovebird has what I call "ten o clock crazy bird hour", where at approx 10pm, every night he jumps about his cage with gusto and occasionally sings to himself. He then retires to his fluffy hut and settles down for the evening. I wonder what this means? haha! They are such complex little creatures!!

I'd love to know why your little ones do their weird back to back chats though! Very intriguing!