View Full Version : Is it true or just really a myth???

07-06-2012, 03:21 PM
I am going out of town this weekend and trying to find someone to watch my Niko but all my family members smoke and a lot of my friends smoke weed. Is it true that smoke can make your bird sick or even kill them?

I want someone I trust to watch him for him but I want him to be in a safe environment.

07-06-2012, 04:05 PM
Smoking is indeed harmful to birds. .. Marijuana even more so due to its psychotropic chemicals. .. Although some birds may appear to suffer no immediate effect, in no way does it account for any long term ramifications. Some of which can occur much sooner than we think. Yes. Smoking can kill your parrot/s.

07-06-2012, 06:28 PM
I am a smoker but i smoke outside if possible if not i am in a different room, between each of my cages is a hepa filter just in case as well as to help with dander (i have tiels lots of dander) if your friends ONLY smoke herb and you can trust them would they be willing to only smoke in the bathroom with the vent fan on and door closed? again like michael said short term you wont see much but can deffinatley efeect them long term, remember thier lungs are tiny (altho thier voces are loud XD ) so thats an issue also if leaveing them with someone make sure they know about things like teflon avacado etc that can kill them.
The main thing is trust of who you are ;leaveing them with... are there any forum member near where you live?

07-07-2012, 07:58 AM
Does your vet board animals? There's no way I'd leave my birds with someone who smokes in the house. My mother smokes in her house, but when she has gatherings, she smokes on her deck. The house still reeks. I'm not dogging on smokers, I'm just stating my experience with my mom's house and how it smells (also, my husband smoked for years and years, but I never allowed it in the house). I understand that it is an addiction and for that reason, I wouldn't trust a smoker to watch my birds. >o No offense to anyone!!!

Pips mom
07-07-2012, 10:06 AM
It's ok to leave him with someone who smokes as long as smoking is never done in the same room and that where they stay isn't a room where people have been smoking in it for some time. If they are a smoker but say, only smoke in the living room, maybe there's a separate area where smoking doesn't take place? best would be someone who only smokes outside. It is just the weekend though.........not like it's a whole week, but still....when I lived with my boyfriend, he smoked and when it was cold out and he didn't feel like going out into the freezing cold, he'd go downstairs in the basement......that smoke would rise and I could always smell it......even in the bird's room sometimes, so what I would do is try to open a window and let some fresh air in when it wasn't too terribly cold. It's summer now........that's good so wherever he goes, they can always keep him near a window they can open or in a room where they can open a window and put a fan in to blow in some fresh air.........that would probably help alot even in a home where people have smoked.