View Full Version : My new supposedly tame lovebird....

07-10-2012, 03:03 PM
Hello Everyone,

Around 2 weeks ago I decided that I wanted to own a new lovebird, because I really enjoyed my time with my other lovebird before he passed away. I bought my new lovebird Kiko, from a man who was selling his lovebirds babies. Kiko was 8 weeks old at the time I bought him and he told me that Kiko is a male. He held Kiko in his hand, kissed his head and told me he was tame. I brought Kiko home and he seems to be enjoying his cage really well. However he isn't willing to come to my hand or anything. I know he wants to play with me because he gets all excited when I pass by the cage, but I don't want to let him out if I wont be able to catch him again. His wings aren`t clipped and he`s fully flighted. I finally managed to get him to eat a treat from my hand while he sits on his perch, but now whenever I put my hand into the cage he mistakes it for the treat and starts biting me. I`m not sure if he is now scared of hands because my father and cousin attempted to grab him from his cage within the first two days. He bit them both. I`m not sure how to get him to finally trust me. This wasn`t a problem with my first lovebird who came running to me the first day and fell asleep in my pocket for a good half hour. I know that not all birds are the same so I can`t expect the same from each one.So I`d appreciate it if anyone has any tips to help me bond better with my lovebird. Thanks so much.

07-10-2012, 05:32 PM
patience is key! Your dad may have scared him and slowed the tameing process a little, now some birds like hands but not fingers.
Also ALOT of lovebirds are cage territorial meaning they bite and protect thier cage but when they are out and away from thier cage they are like an entirely different bird!
Always if possible allow interaction with your lovebird and if possible as much flight time as possible.
Now i know you have a hard time catching him so heres a couple tips to get you started.
#1 allow him to fly near dusk or a time when you can dim the lights, once it goes from bright to dim they calm down and are way esier to catch.
#2 feed him a little during the day but 2 to 3 hours before you let him out to fly take away the food, when you want him to return to the cage put the food back and mabey a treat or two, then he associates going home with food n treats.
Patience, bribery, distraction, and love is all that you need :)