View Full Version : I am getting worried

07-18-2012, 06:40 PM
So I posted recently about the birds laying eggs. We have 8 eggs so now safe to say both are probably girls. We haven't moved the eggs or changed the paper to allow for the 'process' to finish

Chip had abandoned the eggs. No longer goes under the paper, regular size poop, and just wants out and attention.

Dale has me worried. Dale is laying on the eggs constantly. Comes out to poop and shred some paper but for like a minute. Then back on the eggs. And while laying is constantly sleeping as if she's exhausted beyond. She is still eating and drinking and poops are big. Still fights with chip But the fact looks so tired and always sleeping is concerning me.

is this behavior normal?

07-18-2012, 06:52 PM
Chip has obviously given up on the nesting but Dale actually may be getting ready to start another clutch. :( Can you handle her? If so, check between her pelvic bones and see if they are spread apart about the width of your index finger. It's not uncommon for this to happen and you may have to dismantle everything and give them new cages in different locations. The red flag for me is the large droppings. This is typical of a hen in laying condition.

07-18-2012, 07:05 PM
well Chip & Dale aren't fighting more than usual - the usual bird banter. Chip isn't trying to mess with the eggs or anything so I'm not concerned about them being in the same cage...rather just whether Dale is ..okay. I cannot handle Dale so checking isn't an option - but given there are 8 eggs - they both would have had to lay some eggs right? So why would Dale be ready to lay more? Isn't excessive egg laying bad for them? How can I prevent that?

07-18-2012, 07:12 PM
Also. They are only 1 year old - is this even normal for birds their age?

so far in total this summer there have been 11 eggs - 3 we threw away unknowingly. these 8 we are keeping until they abandon them..... but like i said, Dale constantly sitting on them sleeping has me worried.