View Full Version : a growling bird

joan gault
10-12-2005, 08:50 PM
Well I finally took away the nest box and moved the breeding cage across the room, changed everything inside the cage and now I have a hen that when ever I approach her she actually sounds like she is GROWLING at me. My computer is in the same room and she constantly sits on my head and nibbles at my forehead.. Needless to say she doesnnnnn't like me! :( Also have noticed when I let Mango and Kiwi out they don't like to go back to their cage. I hope this doesn't last long as winter is coming and I don't like them to spend the night outside their cage-but it is so nice to have Kiwi out and enjoying herself even if she is out to get me.

10-12-2005, 09:27 PM
I have several hens who growl and it mostly seems like a territory thing. The worst is when I'm in the middle of two growling hens who feel my person is their territory. This usually doesn't end well for me :rofl:.

Just cause Kiwi is nibbling your forehead doesn't mean she doesn't like you. I've found that a lot of my lovies who really love hanging out with me nibble on my eyes, ears, neck, head and whatever else. The birds who aren't big fans tend to stay clear of me or other humans most of the time.

I just wanted to add it's very dangerous to let lovies out and roaming free unless they are in a bird safe room. I let my birds fly free in their bird room because it's like an aviary but not in the other parts of the house unless they are supervised. I still put everyone in their cages at night because if I don't they tend to fight over territory and there's bloody toes everywhere :(

Glad to hear Kiwi is doing well

joan gault
10-13-2005, 10:10 AM
So maybe she doesn't hate me Laura! At times when I talk to her its as if she still remembers me when she didn't have a mate. I agree letting them fly around the house is dangerous-especially since I have 2 cats. I let them out in the "bird room/computer room" and in the bathroom but that is all. They are like watching kids-you always have to put their safety first and that is why after looking for new homes for 2 of them, I ended up keeping them because all of the people I talked with were very irresponsible and down right scary. When I started out with 1 lovie never did I think I would end up with 7 but they do grow on you. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

10-13-2005, 11:18 AM
I've never heard Ditto growl but my ex-girlfriend claims he did. She took him home after I birdy-sat him for a few months.

As soon as she got him home and his cage set up he started growling at her everytime she went in the living room where his cage was. :eek:

He was back at my house a week later and never left, she did. :happy:

10-13-2005, 03:15 PM
Your EX growled??
Or the bird did...?

I'm confused:rofl:

10-13-2005, 03:18 PM
Your EX growled??
Or the bird did...?

I'm confused:rofl:

So is she! :rofl:

10-13-2005, 06:31 PM
The growling bird LOL. My female does this also like a grrrrrrrrrrr. But she does it when she wants something and doesnt want me near it. I dont think the bird hates you i think just letting you know she is pissed off. One thing i have learned is mindy(my female lovie) is the BOSS. But its funny when i first heard mindy i was like what is that.

10-13-2005, 06:53 PM
Gracie doesn't growl when she's trying to warn you. She lowers her head, much like a bull who's about to charge, and lets out a series of low clucks. It is funny as heck but you better take her seriously... or else! :omg:

10-13-2005, 07:06 PM
Gracie doesn't growl when she's trying to warn you. She lowers her head, much like a bull who's about to charge, and lets out a series of low clucks. It is funny as heck but you better take her seriously... or else! :omg:

Ditto does that but instead of low clucks it's very loud short chirps. But I hardly hear or see that anymore since the she-devil left and it's just the 2 of us here. :lol

10-13-2005, 07:38 PM
But I hardly hear or see that anymore since the she-devil left and it's just the 2 of us here. :lol

Just let it go, man... let it go.:lol

10-13-2005, 07:47 PM
Just let it go, man... let it go.:lol

:rofl: Ditto said that! :rofl: